used tea bags

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Used tea bags

It was a wonderful place

The garden had a lot of space

The windows would look nice draped in lace

I bout a few items already, a clock and a little vase

But there was an issue we had to face

The took the 'for sale' sign down

Causing a splinter which made me frown

The bricks were a rich chocolate brown

And the door knocker gleamed like a crown

The keys were ours

It was just a matter of time

The house would be ours alone

I was thinking of growing fruits like berries or lime

It's a perfect place to grow

The bump was just starting to show

A baby will soon be in my arms

A baby to bless us with their charms

Though the problem was still there

At first we dismissed the strand of a stranger's hair

And the misplaced chair

We just took extra care

Though what a shock it gave

As my hope began to cave

I feared for my life, never to be saved

In the sink , there i saw

As i had never seen them before

I had just came in, all alone

Warm used teabags and a broken phone


Poetry of a Blind GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ