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stupid useless

it's all the same

but please don't beat them

at their own game

these are all labels

dirty or rotten

never origional

what labels have you gotten?

we should never label

what we do not know

some may be as dark as shadows

but look like pure snow

do not judge on what you see

don't let the words set you alight

you don't need clear hearing

or crystle sight

life is full of labels

that you must admit

but using them on people

is like they've just been hit

labels are wrong

judging is wrong

just get to know each other

then you might get along

differances aside

what would hurt you the most?


or as white as a ghost?

now you understand

what i'm laying down

pick your head up

and do not frown

Poetry of a Blind GirlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin