Small actions

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small actions

with nothing but wind a feather flies

with nothing but gravity the earth spins

with nothing but fire lights our way

with nothing but a smile brightens a room

The smallest of seeds can create the grandest of feasts

the smallest spoon of sugar can leave your food tasting sweet

the smallest of steps could start the greatest journey

the smallest of sparks can start the mightiest of fires

The holding of the hand brings comfort

the showing of a smile brings happiness

the sound of a laugh brings immense joy

a simple compliment could make an entire week

The smallest of star could guide in the night

the smallest of signs can tell fortune is coming

the smallest of dances can give the sense of freedom

the smallest of flowers could cause many others to grow

Any action no matter how small

can grow a love that shiens so bright

a shared smile or a shared laugh

could be a moment someone treassures for life


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