A Poet's Night

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A Poet's Night

The flames twinkled in the sky

Where some dream

And where some fly

The smoke and colours dance

Along side the birds

Where butterflies prance

The moon shines bright

Being a guide

Sharing it's wonderful light

The trees of the forest cast shadows

They stand tall and proud

The branches knocking on your windows

The quill scratched against the parchment

They wracked their brains

Trying to explain in words what they meant

The screen illuminated their face

Bright colours and sounds distracting

They shook their head and resumed their place

Working by digital candlelight

Working hard and working long

Into the dead of night

When the owls hoot

Being the only company

When the poet's brain refuses to compute

The cat curled around their legs

Providing warmth and comfort

'sleep' the poet's body begs

The final words come in sight

Within the lonely,

Stretch of night

Though the poet was never alone

Though they may sit at their desk

They also sit upon a throne

Surrounded by friends but nobody is seen

An unconscious state of mind

As the poet recites their dream

All throughout that comfortable night

The poet continued to write and write

They gave up everything, using all their might

To make the words, birds and butterflies take flight.

A different world was within the poet's sight

A place where he met a king, queen and a knight

Immersing themselves in something they dared not fight

As though, on a windy day, they were pulled by a kite

Up in the sky, to a very high height

All of this was done in a poet's night


Poetry of a Blind GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora