"Tine, I need you to come back to yourself, your heat is controlling on you." but Tine didn't listen he undressed all his clothes until he was left naked.

"You  do not want to be my alpha?" Tine said as he touched his body and tried to get closer to Sarawat.

"No, I do not." The truth he wanted very much, Sarawat thought to himself.

The two ran around the bed, Sarawat trying to slip out of Tine's hands, this was the first time Alpha had tried to run away from Omega.

An idea came to Sarawat's mind, he took the blanket thrown on the floor.

"Tine, if you want me to come here" Tine ran past Sarawat, Sarawat found the right moment and picked Tine into the blanket with only his head outside the blanket and the blanket rolled around his body, Sarawat put his body weight on Tine and lowered his and Tine belts to tie Tine.

"Why are you doing this?" Tine said in tears

"I do it for you, you thank me .."

"Sarawat picked up Tine and laid him on the bed, he lay next to him and waited for him to fall asleep, but he also fell asleep himself.

Back to Tine and Sarawat

"Do you remember now?" Said Sarawat with a giggle

"I do not know what you're talking about?" Tine's face flushed.

"So why are you blushing?" Sarawat asked mockingly

"I do not! release me now" Tine shouted

Sarawat released Tine, but the belts around him were released ... The blanket that wrapped him also fell to the floor, his white body exposed to Sarawat.

"Do not look" Tine shouted and bent down to pick up the blanket and put it around him to hide his naked body.

"There's nothing I did not see yesterday." said Sarawat

"you did it on purpose"

"You could say we are even, right?"

"I just took off your shirt! how can you call it even!"

"So you do remember what happened last night"

Tine shut his mouth, he felt embarrassed and could not look at Sarawat's face.

"You are not going to thanks me?" Sarawat asked

"Why should I thank you? because you resist yourself and did not take the opportunity?

Thank you for maintaining restraint and not taking advantage of me. "Tine said cynically

"I did not mean it that way, I helped you yesterday and you should yes thank me." said Sarawat 

Tine knew that Sarawat did help him and he should thank him, but his pride was very strong from him.

Suddenly Tine remembered, "Fong? Where is he?" Tine asked anxiously

"He's in the next room, don't worry we got to him on time ... he's fine ... go to him after you take a shower, I bought you new clothes."

Tine felt bad, he should not have behaved as he did to Sarawat.

"Thank you." Tine managed to get words of thanks out of his mouth and quickly got into the shower.

"You're welcome" Sarawat whispered as a small smile appeared on his face.

After Tine finished showering he went to the room where Fong was. He saw that his friend was still lying in bed and went to wake him.

"Fong, wake up"

A perfect match?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora