Chapter 11 Pranking 101

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except my
Percy POV

It was so annoying that us Elites knew who the real spies were but we can't expose them because the campers were more chummy with them than us.

This war seem to be building up a lot of tension. What better way to relieve it than pranking the whole camp and the Olympians?

This is going to be entertaining. For us at least.
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The Elites set to work a couple hours after curfew when all the campers would be asleep. As a precaution, I placed spell on the whole camp and Olympus so that nothing short of a magnitude 10 earthquake would wake them.

We had already planned what to do for each cabin. For example, for the Athena cabin, we took all their books, messed up their neatly stacked blueprints and diagrams, hung huge fake spiders around and set a canister full of real spiders but non-venomous ( we aren't heartless) in a dark corner is the cabin with a timer for it to be opened at sunrise.

For the Hades cabin, we painted it hot pink and sprayed perfume in it. We also took all of Nico's black clothes and replaced it in the brightest colored clothing to exist.

Ares cabin was painted rainbow and all their weapons was replaced by books. The barbed wire and live land mines around the cabin was taken and in its place were vibrant flowers.

Hermes cabin had all its prancing items removed was filled with hidden speakers that were set to start blaring our facts and other things like algebra equations and history lectures at sunrise.

Aphrodite cabin was painted black and had all their cloths turned into the ugliest shades of colors possible. Their cabin that once smelled like perfume, not stank of manure.

Apollo cabin had all their instruments removed and their clothes was turned black. Their cabin was painted in the dullest colors possible.

Demeter cabin had all its plants trampled and their cabin was filled with stolen weapons from the Ares cabin. The outside of their cabin was surrounded by barbed wire and land mines, also stolen from the Ares cabin.

Hypnos cabin was filled with instruments from Apollo cabin that where enchanted to play in disharmony at sunrise.

Zeus cabin was graffitied with various offensive messages and we pasted pictures of very matured themed stuff around the cabin.

Those are some examples of what we did. We basically did the same thing to the gods as we did to their cabin. Poseidon had his twenty four by seven buffet table filled with seafood instead of the usual. I did not take part in that because it was rather disgusting and offensive. Being a son of Poseidon that can talk to sea creatures.

Zeus was turned into a girl. Yay. The best part? We left the Poseidon cabin untouched while the rest got a makeover. In each cabin, a small sea green trident was painted. So when the whole camp woke up, it would look like Alex did it.

So now we are currently on in our cabin each of us were wearing an lens on our eyes which is a  video camera that records what we see. The first screams are about to start in mere minutes and we are going to film it.

Music and screams sounded, waking up the whole camp. Doors were banged open, stuff were thrown and a lot of screaming campers.

The demigods stampeded out of the cabin to survey the states of their cabin and many took notice on the lone untouched cabin.

Twelve flashes appeared as the gods arrived. The Elites were leisurely strolling down to the scene.

" What is going on here? Why are you all staring at me?" Zeus thundered. Everyone stared at the king, now queen of Olympus in shock.

Looking around, the gods saw the cabins. Some of them went to check their homes. While that was happening, Hades flashed in in pink robes.

" Who did this?" He snarled. All the demigods stared in awe. Someone said " It must have been Alex! The Poseidon cabin is the only one that is untouched!"

" What? How can I be responsible for this? The Chaos cabin is also untouched!" Alex yelled indignantly.

Years of experience paid of as I answered coldly. " Our cabin is untouched as no one other than the Elites and Chaos can even go near it. So it is logical that you are responsible for this."

The look on his face was priceless. In the end, Zeus sentence Alex to clean up our pranking mess and he would be in charge of cleaning duty for two months.
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The plan worked perfectly. Now the footage is going to go on our website back home. We are going to get so many 'likes' for it!
This was a shorter chapter sorry. I'm not that good at writing pranking fanfics.

Word count: 814    Lowest one so far   :(

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