Chapter 6 Settling in

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I forgot to do a disclaimer in the last chapter!!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson
or heroes of Olympus nor
their characters.

Percy POV

    This place sure did not change all that much in five years. There are some new shrines and cabins but other than that, everything was just as I remember it.

The Elites received a few stares as we walked into the camp. Can't really blame them. If I saw twelve cloaked dudes walking into camp when I was still a demigod, I'll probably do the same.

Jason turned around and asked " Umm... would you like me to give you a tour of the camp?" Around us, the campers dispersed to continue with their afternoon activities. I looked at Jason and could almost see his imaginary ' awkward meter' shoot up till the red zone.

Deciding to stop making him awkward by staring at him in silence, I said " No need for that. We know our way around already."

Jason looked confused and opened his mouth but whatever he was about to say was abruptly cut off by the annoying voice of Annabeth.

" What do you mean by you know your way around? I have eidetic memory and I have never seen you around before." She said snootily lifting her chin up like I was beneath her.

I snorted " Self proclaimed to have eidetic memory but yet, Athena spawn, you forget that we are the Army of Chaos' most elite group of fighters. We actually researched about this camp to the finest detail."

The Seven, as many had dubbed, excluding Annabeth and of course, myself, tried to muffle their chuckles at Annabeth's embarrassment.

" Why did you call me Athena spawn? What do you even have against the children of Athena?" She screeched. I looked at her unamused. " I have nothing against Athena's Children. As to why I called you an Athena spawn, are you not a child of Athena? Also I am not going to grace you by saying you name."

Two can play at this game. Not to mention I am a self dubbed sass king.

Leaving her to sputter indignantly, I turned to look at Jason, who looked very amused, and asked " Now where were we before she interrupted?" He looked at me and asked where we were going to stay. I pondered for a second. " Do you have a space where I can do something?"

Jason nodded and led us to an empty spot. I lifted my hand and willed a cabin to appear. Sure enough, a solid black cabin with had star like spots of white speckled the outside. The cabin seemed to glow a little in the sun.

On top of the front door was a symbol. The symbol of Chaos which was essentially a white circle with twelve arrows sticking out of it, with the top facing outwards, and a black background.

The Seven plus Alex stared at it. The Elites made their way in, as did I. Just before entering, I turned and mysteriously said " don't try to enter or spy on us. You would not like the outcome." With that said, I walked into the cabin.

Despite how normal it looked on the outside, the inside was basically a mansion. Marble floors and all that jazz.

We each got our own rooms, though sometimes we would sneak into another's room, not to mention there was a training room fully stocked with dummies and targets and had a trapeze with other gymnastics equipment in it, a gaming room and a recreational room with a pool.

We sat in the dining room trying to figure out what to do next when the couch horn outside sounded two times. Two times meant that it was time to eat.

The Elites followed me do the dining pavilion where the moment we stepped in, it began deadly silent. I just waved my hand and a black obsidian table appeared.

We sat down and started eating. Whispers broke out around the pavilion. Alex decided to try and embarrass use, keyword being try, and asked " Don't you guys need to sacrifice to the gods? Or did you realize that they would probably curse you should you catch their attention?"

Seriously? That's the best he could come up with? I really wanted to blast him. I looked at Alpha and said " Alpha, deal with this idiot, I'm too lazy to deal with this crap right now."

Alpha looked at me like ' why you do this to me?' Before addressing said idiot. " We only serve Chaos and he does not like sacrifice. Something about it being pranked once with rotten eggs or something. So you do the math seeing as we are all more powerful than the gods."

What's with them and wanting to be embarrassed? Alex just left, thank Chaos.
—————————Line break—————————

After dinner, Chiron made a few announcements then allowed the campers to go to the campfire.

" Today we would be telling stories about a great hero that sacrificed his life in the last Giant war. His name is Percy Jackson..." Woah back up why were they telling stories about me? I did a quick check on the date.

Great. Just great today was the anniversary of my death. Thanks a lot Chaos! I really appreciate being back here on the day of my death five years ago!!

I sat through all my friends talking about my accomplishments, really wishing that I could dig a hole and burrow into it. Not to mention some of the Elites decided to tease me over a mind link the whole time.

At this rate, I'm going to add a few hours into their cardio training as revenge. Finally something interesting popped up. Not exactly what I was looking for but it is what it is.

Alex apparently isn't happy that he was not getting enough attention and made a very rash decision.

" Why are you guys even talking about this guy? He wasn't even good enough to survive. I on the other hand am still alive. Unlike that loser. I bet I could do everything he did and yet still be alive." He bragged.

Annabeth nodded along saying that I would never have been able to accomplish all that without her help. Claiming that she should have gotten the credit.

The Veterans, who were the cabin counselors that fought in the wars like Clarisse and the Stoll brothers, along with the rest of the Seven began to protest the slander to my name. It was really touching to see that.

I stood up and walked forward to Alex. " From what I heard, Percy Jackson did quite a number of incredible feats. May I ask what you have done to make you think you could beat him?" I asked.

It was so weird to talk about myself in third person and complementing what I did, which was not much.

Alex tilted his chin up and said " I defeated the Minotaur after 3 years of training and am a better son of Poseidon." I really wanted to laugh.

" Well, I guess it is clear that you would be dead a thousand times over should you ever try to do what Percy Jackson did. I heard that he defeated the Minotaur without any training at twelve without even knowing about the mythical world." I allowed a bit of smug to leak into my voice

Alex looked like he was about to pop a vein in anger. " So. You think you are so smart don't ya? Well, I challenge you to a dual tomorrow at 1200 sharp." He declared.

I knew he was probably going to cheat and even then I most likely could still beat him but I might as well. I accepted the challenge. Tomorrow, we fight.
Another chapter!!
How was it? Please review.

Word count: 1307

Did some minor correction to spelling errors and sentences that had me wondering what I was thinking when writing this :)

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