Chapter 10 Testing testing 1 2 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything
except my plot.

Percy POV

Could someone please explain why is it that the demigods around here can't seem to even fight properly?

If the campers continue to be so dependent, this war is a lost cost. This is also the only reason why I agreed to Chiron's request.


I was sitting in Thalia's pine tree, staring unblinkingly into the distance. That did not mean that I let my guard down.

I heard a noise coming towards me about 50 feet away. It sounded like hooves mixed with footsteps so I predicted that it was Chiron or a random satyr with a camper.

" Omega, could I talk to you for a minute?" The voice of my ex-mentor sounded under me. " Aren't you doing just that?" I dryly asked. Despite not wanting to be so cold towards him, I couldn't let him get any hints of who I really was. Also, Annabeth was with him.

" I was wondering if the Elites could train my campers? They are really inexperienced since the gods made the barrier around camp that protects us from monsters and made us partially immortal." He asked.

I looked down at him. " Isn't training campers the job of your senior campers? The Elites are only here to help you. Not become babysitters."

" It is but the campers refuses to listen. They think that nothing would ever happen due to the barrier." He explained.

" Now that isn't our problem. I will not step in every time to ensure that everything stays intact. It would just make them more dependent. This is something you would have to figure out yourself." I meant that one.

" Isn't your mission here to ensure that we survive? How are you doing that exactly if you refuse to help us? If you don't do this, you are basically ditching us." Annabeth snootily said.

I moved faster than they could blink, grabbing Annabeth and pining her to the tree with my sword at her throat.

" Don't try to use your silver tongue on me, girl. I could kill you in and instant. For you information, my mission is to help you. Not babysitting a bunch of arrogant demigods. I would advise you to tread lightly." I snarled.

I pushed her away from me before turning to address Chiron. " I would think about it. But don't expect me to agree." I told him before taking off into the air.

End flashback

I asked the others on their opinion and we decided to give it a go. If, however, the campers decide to be smart asses we would not hesitate to stop.

I already informed Chiron of our decision. He announced it during lunch yesterday. Our first lessons starts in half an hours time.
============ line break ============

The Elites made our way to the arena. It was a beautiful morning to train. We arrived a couple of minutes before the first campers trickled into the arena.

We waited for all of them to arrive, even though some of them like Alex arrived late.

" Okay demigods, here is how this is going to go. You do as we say and if you don't want to, you are welcomed to leave. I must warn you that if you leave, you  won't be allowed to join us again and you would probably die in combat." I announced way too cheerily.

" First up, let's do a quick warm up. All of you, run around the perimeter of the camp twice and when you are done, come back here and complete a hundred push ups and fifty pull-ups."

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