Chapter 2 The Mission

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of
                      Percy Jackson or heroes of

Third POV

    A man was running through a forest as fast as he could, glancing back every few seconds, frantically trying to spot whatever was chasing him. In doing to he tripped over a tree root and fell flat on his face.

This man was Kellos, the ruler of the Averyl, a failing kingdom that had citizens suffering from starvation and many that was homeless due to taxes that was much higher than it should be and a greedy king that only cared for himself. He liked to have his guards drag a random subject in front of him and have them whip and torture the subject just to hear their screams and begging.

Kellos turned around and shuffled backwards on his butt until his back hit a large tree. Out of the shadows, a lithe  figure clad in an assassin outfit completed with a cloak that covers their face leaving nothing but a black where their head should be. The cloak seemed to have wind blowing at it as it trailed behind the figure.

" Who are you? What do you want? I did nothing wrong!" Kellos yelled desperately.

" We both know that is not true." A voice devoid of any emotions answered. The figure held out his hand and a sword that was three feet long sword appeared in it.

" Please! I'll give you anything! What do you want? Money? Servants?" At this the figure paused. " Anything?" He asked and if Kellos did not know better, he would have thought the figure's voice held a little glee in it. " Yes, anything!" He said. " Good. I want your life and by the way, I am Omega. Not that you will live long enough to make any use of it." Kello's eyes widened as he realized his mistake and Omega swung his sword, beheading Kellos. ( A/N I got this parts inspiration from another story so I can't exactly say it is mine. I'll put the story name and writer once I find it because I read too many similar stories to remember)

The body of the ex-king fell onto the ground. Omega stared at it before turning and walking away. He created a portal that led back to Chaon, home planet to the army of Chaos.

He stepped through into his room in the palace. Willing his sword to vanish like he usually do when he was not using it, the went towards the meeting room for a meeting that he was 20 minutes late for.

Even before he reached the doors, he heard quite a few things. One was that someone was yelling: Flap you stupid bird! and other voices seemingly having a screaming match.

The two guards outside the doors opened them for him and nodded respectfully after him. When he entered, he took in the scene in front of him.

There was Chaos glaring at his phone like it had personally offended him and the rest of the Elites with their hoods off.

Ethan and Castor was yelling over which cards was better and other mythomagic stuff, Bianca and Zoe was having a discussion, probably about how dumb the boys around them are, there was the three male archers sitting there casually sharpening their arrows.

Perseus, Silena and Beckendorf was having an extremely important conversation about what to eat for lunch. Luke was unaccounted for until Omega felt two arms wrap around his waist, pulling him into the muscles chest of one Luke Castellan.

" So the commander finally arrived." He whispered into Omega's ear, chin resting on his shoulder. Smirking, Omega pulled down his hood to reveal the face of Percy Jackson." I prefer fashionably late." He sassed.

Finally the other occupants of the room took notice of Percy and Chaos looked up from pouting like a five year old. " Greetings Lord Chaos." Percy greeted just to be annoying.

" Percy, how many times do I have to tell you it is just Chaos?" Chaos sighted exasperated, like they have this conversation multiple times, which of course they had.

" Ok Just Chaos, why have you called us? Also the count is 5,309,234 times." Percy knew something was wrong when Chaos sobered up and all mirth that was on his face previously vanished.

" A new threat is rising. My brother End." He told them. Silence reigned for a few seconds before Percy, being the guy that always breaks the ice, said " That was straight to the point. I didn't know you had a brother."

" No one did. When End and I created the universe, End got power hungry. He wanted to rule over the cosmos and turn it into his image, where everyone answers only to him. I refused to let that happen and we fought. I barely won then and locked End in the Void where he was erased from history. Recently he has became stronger and broke out of the void." Chaos nervously twiddled his fingers.

Percy looked around the room hoping someone would announce that this was just a very elaborate prank but knowing his luck, the chances of someone standing up and saying
" false!" is just about zero. If End really was Chaos's brother, this is going to be very bad for them.

" End intends to attack. I did not know which planet he was going after until I received news from one of my eyes around the galaxy about a problem arising from a place all of you are very familiar with." All the Elites tensed up for their own reasons but all of them had a pretty good idea which planet Chaos was implying.

" The monsters of Earth have been reforming faster than ever. Their attacks seemed to be more coordinated. This can only mean that End is planning an attack on Earth. I'm sending you guys there to protect them." Chaos finished in a rush.

They looked at each other discussing through their mind link. The discussion went something like that.

Percy: so what do you guys think?

Luke: I'm not sure maybe that they are going to hate me for what I did?

Ethan and Silena: you mean what the three of us did.

Bianca: I'm sure they would have forgiven you. Even if they have not, it's been five million years. I doubt they will still be alive.

Castor: so the only ones you have to worry about are the Olympians and we are more powerful than them.

Zoe: may I remind you that one million years on Chaon is one earth year? So it will only have been five years.

Luke, Ethan and Silena: can I bail out?

Percy: N-O, no

Lee: how about we compromise? We go and we will wear cloaks to hide our identities.

Luke: that's... actually not a bad idea.

Bianca: I think all of us should wear cloaks. It will make saying goodbye easier.

Percy: ok. What about the rest of you?

Perseus and Orion: well it's not like we have too many problems on Earth so we are fine.

Michael and Beckendorf: it would be nice to see our friends again even if they don't know it is us.

Percy: this is going to be one odd mission.

Looking up, Percy nodded at Chaos. " We will do it but we want to wear cloaks to hide out identities." Chaos looked like he just got handed a vaccine for a disease. " Thank me. I'll provide the cloaks. You all go get ready. You will leave in two days." With that, the meeting was adjourned.

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1267 words I'm so happy!

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