Lena quickly felt Karas neck and forehead, surprised when she felt hot, she hadn't even noticed when she checked on her this morning.

"Do you feel hot at all?"

Kara nodded and looked down at her lap, but then looked right back up when Alex walked in with food.

"I got you your favorite soup and some water"

Kara gave her a soft smile and then looked over at Lena, speaking softly.

"Are you c-cold?"

Lena quickly took off her lab coat and wrapped it around Karas body, kissing her gently.

"I'm gonna take you home so I can take good care of you okay?"

Kara blushed at the statement and nodded, kissing Lena back and then looking at Alex.

"How's S-Sam?"

"She's good, she asked about you actually, she called you her baby sun"

Kara giggled softly and it turned into a small cough, she winced in pain and both women looked at her in concern.

"Are you alright?"

Kara just nodded and looked away from both women, hiding her now glossy eyes.

But Lena wasn't stupid and neither was Alex.

"Let's go now okay? I'll help you to the car"

Kara just held up her hand and hopped off the bed, walking out of the lab.

"How did she even blow out her powers?"

"I don't think you want me to answer that"

Alex scrunched up her face in disgust and shakes her head.

"Would you please stop breaking my sister? She's more subject to getting ill"

"Yes I know that, I just didn't know she was sick, she has a very high fever, she couldn't even feel that she was hot"

"That's because her body-"

Suddenly there was a loud thud in the hallway and both of them ran out into the hall to see Winn panicking over Kara.

"What happened?"

"We were talking and she just collapsed, and she's really hot and I don't know, she kept saying she didn't need to sit down but then she just fell, I didn't mean for her to hit the floor I just-"

Alex quickly calmed Winn down while Lena checked on Kara.

"Hey, breathe, it's alright, you didn't do it, you didn't cause her to fall, she's going to be fine, and you offered her a seat, you did good okay?"

Winn just nodded and took a few deep breaths, watching Lena check Karas pulse and slap her face a couple times.

"Kara, Wake up baby, wake up"


"Lena I swear to-"

Too late.

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