~ Ch.27 ~

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It was the next day with Minho and Jisung getting ready to go have dinner with Minho's parents.

They dressed nicely, nothing to fancy but appropriate clothing.

Once they were finished getting ready they headed out and got in Minho's car.

Throughout the ride Minho was able to tell how nervous Jisung was so he intertwined his hand in his to try to calm down the younger.

It calmed Jisung down for the rest of the ride but as they exit the car, walking up to Minho's parents's front door made him even more nervous.

They walked in since it was Minho's home, no needed to knock.

"Minho! Glad to see you son." They were greeted by Minho's father.

"I'm only staying for dinner not any longer." He just rolled his eyes, not wanting to be there.

"Thats all we asked for. I see you brought your friend along." His dad noticed the shy boy eyeing him up and down. "It's nice to see you again, Jisung was it?"

"It's nice to see you again sir and it's J-Jisung." Jisung bowed his head.

"Let's have some dinner now, your mother is waiting." His dad guided them to the fancy dining room.

They took their seats as his mother then greeted them with a smile.

Their food was served and Jisung wasn't expecting such a big meal with expensive fancy silverware. It was just like all those fancy restaurants Minho would take him on their dates.

It was nothing but silence until his father spoke up.

"Minho, would you like to explain why you want nothing to with this million dollar business?"

"Because it's not what I want to do with my life. I've told the both of you that I've never been interested. I'm not going to invest in your stupid company." Minho felt like he was sounding like a broken record.

"Minho I can't keep running this company forever, I'm getting old and I want my son to stay with in our tradition. This is a family company, meaning your grandfather created this company and you want to throw away all mine and his hard work away?"

"Find someone else. Having me not take over won't be the end of the world. Who cares about the tradition because I could careless. I wouldn't even be a good business man to began with." Minho tightened his fist as he was annoyed from his dad not listening.

Jisung noticed Minho's hand and how angry he was getting. He grabbed his hand from underneath the table, intertwining the two and rubbing his thumb against Minho's hand.

"With you not becoming head chairman you will be cut off from all the money we give you." His dad was obviously not happy as the tone of his voice was cold.

"Thats fine by me. I could careless about the money." Minho was fine with getting rid of the useless money, finding it useless since it didn't make him happy unlike for most people.

"You're unbelievable." His father scoffed.

The dining room was filled with nothing but the sounds of the silverware hitting against the glass plates.

Then one of Minho's father's assistants bowed before entering the room. He made his way to his father and whispered something into his ear that made his expression go cold.

He gestured for the assistant to leave the room then his focus turned towards Jisung.

Jisung froze as he made eye contact with his cold narrowing eyes.

"So Jisung." His father spoke, catching everyone's attention. "Listen I was told about who you are and who your father was. My wife and I discussed it. My wife convinced me to turn a blind eye on it since you seem to be sweet boy and you are good friends with Minho but I've hired some people to keep a close eye on Minho since all he is nothing but trouble. I was just told that you are dating my son? Is that correct?" Minho's dad raised an eyebrow while Jisung nervously gulped.

"Wait you hired someone to spy on me?! Are you serious?!" Minho stood out of his seat with his blood boiling.

"Yes because we didn't want you to be getting into trouble but turns out all you do was go out to party's and was drunk countless amount of times! You never listen to a word we said do you?! You know you shouldn't be going out and getting into trouble." His dad stood up out of his seat.

"I would never listen because none of you listen to word I say! Both of you could careless about how I feel or anything! All you care about is that damn business! You sent someone to spy on me because you wanted to make sure I wasn't ruining you reputation, huh?!" Minho leaned his hands on the table as leaned in.

"Of course I did. You keep making this family look like a laughing stock!"

"Honey aren't you being a bit harsh-."

"Shut your trap! You have no room to speak!" And as of that Minho's mom didn't speak. "Now Jisung answer my question?!" He raised his voice louder demanding for the said boy to speak.

Jisung jumped from the yelling which sent shivers down his spine.

"Y-yes sir.."

"How much money do you want? I'll give you as much as you want for you too leave my son. I don't want him to be with a poor murder's son nor with a guy." He then dug through his jacket and brought out his checking book.

"Are you fucking serious?! You're willing to pay someone who makes me damn happy to leave me?! You know he's the damn reason I changed for the better?! You should know this since you hired someone to spy on me! Wait, you guys are to ignorant to see that." Minho couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You have no right to speak to me like that! Jisung, I'll pay you 100,000 dollars-."

"I don't want your money. I'm not going to leave Minho for money or anything you bribe me with." Jisung was hesitant to speak up to the older man.

"Listen you little brat. I'm just doing you and my son a favor. I'm a multi millionaire man and when more people begin to hear who my son is and if they figure out who he's dating. People won't be very nice to the both of you, especially too you since you are the son of that damn murder that ruined my company's stocks for years! And who knows maybe you're just like your fa-!"

"Shut up! It was mistake coming here." Minho grabbed Jisung's hand and pulling him away from the dining room table.

"If you walk out that door you're cut off!" His dad spoke one last time.

"I'm perfectly fine with that! I hope your company goes to shits!" Minho then pulled Jisung out of the dining room and out of the house.

They both were now sitting in the car ready to drive away until Minho heard soft sniffles from the smaller.

"Are you okay?" Minho quietly asked as he brushed Jisung's hair with his hand.

Jisung just nodded his head as he wipes a tear sliding down his cheek.

"Jisungie, I'm sorry. I should've never brought you. Please don't listen to what my dad said." Minho couldn't help but feel bad for what his boyfriend had to witness.

"I know... just know I'll never leave you for anything Minho." Jisung turned to face the older with a soft smile.

"I know you won't. I'll never leave you either. Now how about we watch a movie tonight?" Minho leaned and kissed Jisung on the cheeks which led him to blush.

"I would like that." Jisung didn't disagree since it was was one of there favorite things to do together.



So I just remembered that Minho has done Taekwondo and some bodyguard training stuff or something like that and now I am more terrified to ever get on the man's nerve and I also find that kinda hot😏. R.I.P to whoever he gets in a fight with though👀.

Anyways hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💜

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