~ Ch.43 ~

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~ a week later ~

A week quickly passed by and everything seemed to be back to it's normal ways.

It was already winter break for the college students and Minho and Jisung were heading back from their double date with Chan and Felix.

Felix had set up the whole thing and practically begged Jisung and Minho to go. Since they couldn't say no to their adorable friend, they ended up going.

Jisung couldn't be any more happier with how things were finally going.

He was finally back beside the boy who makes his heart flutter and therefore the one who makes him the happiest. Occurring double dates with his best-friend and his boyfriend, and on high of that; all of his friends have began to enjoy each others company, creating the best group of friends.

The best part about everything though, was the fact that there is absolutely no drama.

"All this walking around is making my feet hurt." Jisung whined as he swung their intertwined hands.

"Get on my back then." Minho suggested, grinning down at the younger with whiney eyes.


"Just hop on." Minho squatted down for Jisung to hop onto his back, awaiting the weight of his boyfriend.

Jisung smiled brightly, giving into the fact that his boyfriend won't take his whining. "Okay." He hoped onto Minho's back.

Jisung rested his head along his boyfriend's shoulder, slowly inching closer to the boys neck. He was so close, he was able to smell Minho's alluring scent.

Chan turned back, noticing the happy couple behind them, turning his focus back onto his beloved boyfriend who was a smiley mess.

"Do your feet hurt Lix?" Chan asked with a very cute and concerning tone.

"No, but I can tell you a few other places that may or may not hurt." Felix pouted, thinking of the night before with Chan, looking for a reaction out of the boy.

Chan caught on and chuckled, "Well--" he leaned into his boyfriend's ear. "I'm very sorry about that," he paused, "or am I?" Felix pulled away with a small smile and chuckle as the same went for Chan.

Chan leans back down and plants a gentle kiss on Felix's freckled cheek which made him giggle.

The four of them continued to walk back to their dorm, the starry night setting the mood while they shared light conversations.

The walk back from the beach was quite long, considering the choice of setting for the double date. The beach wasn't at all close to the school.

Finally, they were met with the school gates.

"I don't think we're going to watch a movie with you guys." Chan spoke, "Felix is trying his hardest not to fall asleep while walking." Chan chuckled at his sleepy boyfriend, who was leaning against the school gate with his eyes closed.

"Am not." Felix whined, trying his best to keep his eyes open, pushing himself off the gate only to fall right back.

"You should go rest Lix, we'll see you guys tomorrow." Jisung laughed at his adorable friend.

"If you insist," Felix yawned. "Night Sungs, Night Minh-" In a matter of seconds, Bangchan swooped his boyfriend off the ground and threw him over his shoulder.

The other two just laughed and waved off as Felix didn't even fight Bangchan, which he more of just smiled sleepily and hung.

Once the tired couple left, Minho quickly began running, catching Jisung off gaurd. He ended up guiding them to a park near the school.

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