~ Ch.15 ~

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"Lets go back to the dorm. I'll take you home.." Minho continued to comfort Jisung which calmed him down.

Jisung nodded his head with a sniffle then was guided out of where they were and headed out until they were both stopped by his parents.

"Leaving so soon? The party just begun." Minho's father noticed the two heading out, and wished for his son to stay.

"I don't care for these parties." Minho was irritated from the party itself.

"Stay a bit longer sweetie. It won't look so good if you left your- I mean-."

"Honey, you ruined the surprise." His dad was now disappointed from his mom ruining what they had planned.

"What surprise?" Minho was now curious what his parents were up to this time.

While his parents looked at each other wondering if they should tell him Jisung didn't want to be there any longer and Minho knew the younger was still upset. So Minho brought the younger behind him and grabbed Jisung's hand in his which caught him off guard.

"We wanted to announce to everyone we plan on giving you your father's place in head of the company!" His mother excitedly spoke, being proud of her son.

"You're joking? Do you two really think I want a job like this? I want nothing to do with your stupid company!" Minho lashed out as he turned around and dragged Jisung out of the mansion.

"Minho wai-."

Before his parents knew it he was already out the door. His father had a risen eyebrow when he noticed his son's hand in another boy's.

Minho grabbed one of his cars he had at his house and made their way to the dorm.

It was silent between the two until Jisung began.

"I'm sorry hyung.."

"For what?" Minho turned his gaze to him then back at the road.

"For if I ruined your night... I really didn't want you finding out... I-It won't change anything between us right?" Jisung twiddled with his thumbs as he was nervous for the older's response.

"Nothing is going to change as long as you keep being you. And don't worry on ruining the night, you didn't ruin anything, you actually made it better." Minho cracked a smile feeling his own heart begin to race.

"B-But I-."

"You did nothing wrong Jisung, don't blame yourself when it's that damn jerk's doing. I'm glad I came back in time before he could hurt you anymore. You're not seriously hurt right?" Minho while concerned turned to the younger.

"No I'm fine. Thank you hyung, for sticking by my side." A smile grew on Jisung as he felt warmth overwhelm his heart and butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"Ah, there's that beautiful smile of yours." Without thinking Minho blurted out as he tickled underneath the younger's chin.

Jisung grew red in the face and his heart racing from the complement of his.

The older then clearers his throat once he realized he said with cheeks tinted red.

"Want to watch a movie when we get inside?" Minho refuses eye contact as they got out of the car.

"Yeah.." Jisung agreed to the idea with them both heading inside.

Once the two were at their dorm they got into more comfortable clothes and decided on a movie they both decided on, an action movie.

They got comfortable on their small love seat and began watching the movie.

After some time the two were getting more tired, especially Jisung. The younger's eyes were getting heavy and as he tried to keep himself awake his head would jerk every time it would fall. Without realizing he fell fast asleep and his head fell on Minho's shoulder. Minho didn't think much of it since he was half asleep and didn't take him long to fall asleep.


It was the next day at Hyunjin's and Changbin's dorm.

Changbin was out getting some things at the store while the younger was at his dorm with his close friend Jeongin.

"Hyung~! Why did you call me over so early? I need some sleep before my date with Minnie.." Jeongin whined as he tiredly rubbed his sleepy his.

"I just need you here till Changbin gets back." Hyunjin sat back as he drank his coffee.

"If it's about him apologizing, he already apologized a few days ago." The younger pouted as he wanted to go back to bed.

"Wait, he did?" Hyunjin wasn't expecting the older to have apologized already.

"Yes, he came by the dorm and asked if we could talk then he apologized. To be honest I didn't think he would ever change his ways... he was actually nice for once. Of course I accepted his apology since I could tell he's changing for the better and I won't hold a grudge." Jeongin was glad to see Changbin wanted to change.

"Can I go back to bed now~?" Jeongin whined again as he wanted to go back to his dorm.

Hyunjin sighed. "Yes you can, have fun on your date later."

"Will do!" Jeongin gave him a bright smile before he headed out of his dorm.

Not to soon later Changbin came back with a few groceries. He left all the groceries on the kitchen counter and headed straight for the bed as he began to cough and sneeze. His behavior didn't go unnoticed by Hyunjin who was on his phone.

"Changbin, all the cold food is going to go bad if you don't put them in the fridge." Hyunjin quickly put away the groceries that the older left out.

"Sorry, didn't realize.." Changbin felt horrible as he began to feel light headed and crawled into his bed shivering.

"Are you feeling alright? You look terrible." Hyunjin walked up to the poor looking boy.

"Jeez thanks, and no. I feel terrible." Changbin let out a few coughs.

Hyunjin without warning felt the older's forehead which caught him off guard, causing Changbin to blush.

"You're burning up! You must have a fever. I'll make you some soup." Hyunjin was about to go make some food for the sick boy until his wrist was grabbed.

"Don't bother, I'm not hungry at the moment. I just want to get some rest." Changbin gave him a weak smile.

"Alright. Let me know when you're hungry then I'll make you something." The older nodded his head to the younger and went to sleep.



Really short chapter! Needed to write something so sorry if not really good.

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day and keep standing Stray kids bc we promised them we will never leave them😊! ~ 💜

Stand 8!

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