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Gathering up the courage to talk wasn't very easy. Logically, Dick knew that the kids wouldn't think any less of him; they wouldn't lose any respect for him, they wouldn't think he was weak, they wouldn't be upset with him for keeping secrets. Knowing something logically doesn't mean it stops being scary though.

"I don't get why you're freaking out so much." Tim was is waiting with Dick for everyone to arrive. "If you don't get this off your chest, then your nightmares are going get worse and it'll really start to take a toll on you. Everyone likes you! They all think you're so cool, which I totally don't understand, but I guess that's just because I'm your brother," he tried to joke. "If anything, telling them is probably going to get Conner even more butt hurt that he can't beat you. He'll be all like 'If I can't defeat him at my strongest with my abilities, then what am I?' That kid needs therapy. Think of it this way, you would never treat Barbara differently and neither will the Young Justice team."

"But what if they do? Can we please not do this, just pretend we called them in for something else," Dick pleaded. "Just not today. What if they're upset that I didn't tell them before? What if they start to walk in eggshells around me? Everything has changed so much I just want something normal. This...this teaching...lets me forget about all the medication, about the visits to specialists, just everything for a little while. I want it to stay that way."

"It will."

"You don't know that. Not for sure."

"No, but I do know my friends. Relax. They might be worried for you for a bit, but that's normal. That shows that they care. You being worried about them walking in eggshells around you tells me that you know that they care. They've been though some horrible things. They've been lucky so far, but they're aware that their luck would change in a flash. They'll understand. No one gets though this business of ours unscathed."

"Don't I know it." Dick took a seat next to Tim. "I'm setting such a bad example. What if one day they get hurt, something they can't recover from. They think of me being a coward and hiding."

"That's ridiculous. Besides, here they come. Just rip off the bandaid."

"Maybe they'll think I don't actually like teaching them and only do it because I don't have many other options."

The team slowly filed into the room, completely absorbed conversation and totally unaware of their teacher's tense body language.

"You made us look like a bunch of fools. I'm so embarrassed right now!" huffed Artemis, staring down Wally.

Wally grinned and puffed out his chest. "You're just upset that you aren't as cool as me! The ladies love me and my flirting."

Artemis scoffed. "That was flirting? Really?"

"Just because you can't recognize what quality—"

Kaldur interrupted Wally with a polite cough and gestured to Dick, Tim, and the rest of the team who was watching them impatiently.

"Oh, sorry."

Dick let out a nervous laugh. "No, you're fine." He was grateful for the distraction, but it still didn't get rid of the butterflies in his stomach. "What happened?"

Tim held up his hand to stop Wally and Artemis from starting their argument all over again and glared at Dick. "Don't try to stall." He then turned to face everyone else. "We, well he, has something to tell you all."

Everyone stopped there chatter and brought their attention over to Dick, who took a deep breath, straightened his back, and tried to ground himself. "Okay. Umm, let's start at the beginning. Do you guys know why I stoppers going out in the field?"

The team shook their heads.

"You wanted a break?" guessed Megan.

"Not exactly wanted...more like had to. As you know, hero work can be very dangerous. Batman and I were working a case and things went wrong. I got shot." Dick rubbed the scar on his head.

"Are you alright?!" Megan cried.

"Yes. It was a while ago. Things were rough for a while and I almost didn't make it. I did though. I was left with some permanent injuries that the doctors couldn't fix. That's why I stopped going out."

"What happened?" asked Conner in a whisper. The room had gone very quiet and everyone stared at Dick intently.

"I was unbelievably lucky. Things could've been much worse, I shouldn't be complaining really."

Tim motioned for Dick to continue.

"My motor functions have been a bit off, but not really in any way that's noticeable unless I'm tired or stressed. That doesn't really effect me much, I can still do my acrobatics. I do have others things like seizures and pounding headaches now. Me and Batman both decided that I'm not allowed to patrol, for my safety and others'." He lowered his gaze, not wanting to see any of his student's looks of pity. The picture of strength they had of him before had probably just shattered.

"Brain damage?" That was Conner.

"Yeah." Dick looked back up.

Conner nodded thoughtfully. "That makes so much more sense."

Dick froze. "What?"

"I didn't understand why you suddenly decided to help mentor us." Conner explained. "Superman wouldn't tell me anything which was weird. From what I knew, you just stopped patrolling Gotham and Bludhaven one day and then you showed up here. It came out of nowhere or at least I thought it did. I didn't get why you would suddenly quit. Even if you did feel the urge to start teaching the team, that didn't explain why you wouldn't go on missions with us. It makes sense now."

"What did you think the reason was?" asked Tim.

"I didn't really have an idea, but I thought that maybe you just couldn't handle the job anymore, that it was too much for you which was... concerning to me."

"Yeah?" Dick have a small smile.

"Yeah. You're the first Robin. If you can't handle the job, then what chance do we have?"

Dick smiled sympathetically. "So are you all okay with everything I've told you?"

Artemis looked at Dick concernedly. "Why wouldn't we be okay? Did you think we'd be like upset or weirded out by it?"


Wally sprung up and gave Dick a tight hug. "Really? I'm sorry we made you think that."

"No, don't—"

"No, you listen here. You do so much for others and you never do things for yourself! You're 'Mr. You Cn Talk To Me About Anything,' but you don't take your own advice. You shouldn't be scared to talk to us., especially about getting shot in the head! Trust us! We're a team."

"I'm sorry."

Wally threw his head back and groaned. "Don't apologize! I swear if you apologize one more time in the next week... Now take some deep breaths. Your heart is almost beating as fast as mine."

Wally and Dick breathed in and out together. "Alright. Are you okay for now?"

"Uh-huh," he answered noncommittally.

"We're here for you. Will you tell us what's on your mind before they start freaking you out?"

Dick beamed. "Yeah."

The future was still scary and Dick would still have doubts and insecurities, but now he could really start healing. It was time to focus on the friendships around him. Things would be all right.

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