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"Nightwing! We need to go now! Get up!" Tim shook Dick by the shoulders and yanked him to his feet. "You have to wake up. Like right now! The guards are coming."

"Huh-what?" asked Dick, confused. 'Why am I so tired? Was I drugged, gassed? Was I concussed again? Aww man! Alfred'll kill me if I get another concussion.'

"Let's go!" yelled Tim, pulling Dick by the hand. They ran through a seemingly never-ending hallway lined with closed steel doors. Tim made a sharp left and pushed a stumbling Dick into a utility closet.

"What's g—" Tim covered Dick's mouth to shut him up.

"Are you crazy Nightwing! Are you seriously trying to kill all of us?! The guards are right outside! Now shh!"

Dick's ear were met by the loud click-clacking of several pairs shoes walking down the hall and booming, angry voices. They were loud and the people were speaking in English, but for the life of him, Dick couldn't figure out what they were saying.

'That's weird, there weren't any sounds until a moment ago. Why didn't I hear them? Where even are we?' Dick thought.

Dick stepped forward and looked through a crack in the door to look at the guards that were passing by. Before Tim pulled him back, Dick got a good look one of the men. He looked very normal with no distinguishing features, nothing remarkable at all. After a moment, it registered in Dick's mind that the made didn't have a face, he literally had no face. It was just an unfocused blur.

Quietly and frantically, Dick whispered to Tim, "Where is that guard's face?"

Tim's worried face morphed into one filled with confusion. "What the hell are you talking about? There are no guards. That's Lex Luthor! Are you alright?"

"What do you mean that's Lex Luthor?!" Dick looked out into the hall again. All of the guards were gone expect one. The guard made a stop and started unlocking the door. This gave Dick a chance to see the faceless guards face again. The guard wasn't faceless anymore, it wasn't even a guard anymore! It was Lex Luthor, just like Tim said. 'What is happening? I'm so confused!'

"What's going on?" Dick finally vocalized.

Tim swore. "Don't you remember?! We're on a mission with the team. You just had another seizure. That's probably why things are weird for you."

"A mission? What mission? I don't remember having a mission. Did I really have a seizure?" Dick asked.

Tim swore again and expression grew frustrated and furious. "I knew it! I knew that we shouldn't have brought you a long. You're just a burden that's putting us all in danger! I told B that it was a bad idea letting you back into the hero business! Whatever, we don't have time to deal with you right now! Just do as I say!"

"What?!" Dick asked, astonished. 'What is wrong with Tim? He never acts like this!'

"Are you deaf too? I need you to listen to me before you mess this up even more! Look what you did to Artemis! If you don't want anyone to get more hurt then I need you to shut up and follow directions. You're supposed to be the responsible one, but we've been saving your ass the whole time!" yelled Tim.


Dick turned around and was suddenly surrounded by the Young Justice team who all looked battered and bruised.

'When did they get here?'

At the front of the group was Artemis, who stood with a large gash on her stomach that stained her suit. The rest of the team didn't look much better. M'gann was leaning on Conner and Wally's leg was bent at an unnatural angel.

"What-what happened?! Are you guys okay? How did you get hurt? I don't understand!"

Artemis flashed an insincere smile that revealed her red stained teeth. "You did this to me. To us. You did a really bad job teaching us. We didn't know what to do and all the advice you gave us just made things worse."

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