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"Hey Kaldur, do you know why we were told to meet up? We aren't supposed have a mission for another whole week," Artemis asked.

The Young Justice team had just been called from their separate training sessions to talk with Black Canary. They had been told earlier that that week was just supposed to be for training, so Artemis had been surprised when she was told that they had to meet without any prior notice.

"No, I haven't been informed of any upcoming mission. If there is one then it would be one that the League didn't know about before they came up with this week's schedule. Black Canary did mention to me something about us meeting someone though. It's not often that guests come to the mountain, so it's probably someone important. It might have to do with a mission, it might not," he answered.

"Think we're gonna get a new team member?" Wally asked excitedly

"Perhaps, but I don't think so. I think I would've been informed if that we the case. It might be a politician who is in danger or a League hero that we haven't met yet. Don't get your hopes up for a new member, it's unlikely," said Kaldur.

"Yeah, you're right, but I still want to see who it is. I'm so bored, anything is amusing," groaned Wally. A week of only training sounded fun at the beginning, but running around the track was becoming monotonous.

"It's not that hard to amuse you Wally. You'd chase your own tail if you had one," joked Artemis.

"Hmph. Anyway let's hurry up, Tim is probably already there! I lost a bet and now I have to pay up anytime I'm late," said Wally, speeding away.

"Of course he lost a bet with Tim," Artemis laughed loudly. "Now that's amusing."
"Thanks for doing this, really. It means a lot to him," Bruce said to Dinah (Not Diana, Black Canary, not Wonder Woman)

Batman and Black Canary were in deep conversation. They were about to present Dick to the Team and both were nervous about how the experiment of Dick as a teacher to the Young Justice team would work out.

"Of course! It's the least I could do and besides he's going to help them all so much. I couldn't ask for a better co-teacher. He's skilled, knowledgeable, smart, and great with kids. It was a no brainer," she replied, smiling.

"His recovery period was really rough. He got frustrated, but never quit. The occupational therapy helped immensely, he can move just as well as he could before. I mean, you've seen him on the trapeze. The only major problem that is still a big issue is the seizures."

Dinah nodded sympathetically, "Yeah, what's the plan for that?"

"Well, he's taking medication, so that helps a lot. Keeps him from having the huge ones, the grand mal ones. He still has the others though. He can tell when he's about to have them. If he senses one coming he'll go to another room to ride it out."

"When that happens should I go with him? You know, to time it and make sure he doesn't hit his head. I know he doesn't want the team knowing, but is that really best?" Dinah asked.

"I'm not sure. He thinks that if the team knows they'll pity him or won't take him seriously as a teacher. For now let's just respect his wishes. He doesn't have a lot of choices these days. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. If he leaves, I think you should stay with the team, keep them from investigating. They'd be curious if both their teachers suddenly left the room for seemingly no reason. There's a room that he can go to when he feels like a seizure is coming on. The room that he goes to is really close to the training area, so he can get there quickly. The room's whole purpose is for him to have a place to safety seize, he won't hit his head or anything. I built it right after his surgery. A lot of the League hangs out in the lounge next to it so if someone sees him entering, they'll help him out."

"That's good."

"How do you think the Team will like him?"

"Fine. He has such a great character, they'll warm up to him quickly. Also helps that he's Tim older brother. And besides, they'll like having someone to take to who knows what it's like to be a part of the superhero business at such a young age."

"Yeah. I just hope this all goes well, it's going to hurt him so much if it doesn't."

"Everything will be fine. Come on, let's go. Tim and Dick are already waiting and the rest of the Team should arrive soon if they haven't already."
The whole team was sitting, waiting for Black Canary to tell them what was going on.

"This better be something important, I need to train!" growled Conner.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for a bit and still don't even know why we're here! Do you know anything Tim?" Artemis asked.

"Uhh yeah. I can't tell you though, it's a surprise. Don't worry, it'll be worth the wait," he said, wringing his hands together in anticipation.

"Yeah well-" Wally was cut off by the sound of a door swinging open. Black Canary, Batman, and one other figure entered through the door frame. Tim's face visibly lit up at the sight of the stranger.

"Sorry we're late, there was an incident that we had to deal with," Batman gruffed.

"We have an announcement to make to you guys," Black Canary, said smiling.

The stranger stepped forward. "Hello everyone, my name is Nightwing, I'm Timmy's older brother." He flashed a smile when Tim groaned exasperatedly.

The rest of the stared in awe. Nightwing, the first Robin, has just introduced himself. He was the first kickass sidekick/partner. He was the idol of any young aspiring hero. He was success at its finest.

Kaldur spoke, "Greetings, Nightwing. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard many tales of your adventures."

"Only good things I hope," Nightwing laughed, "Well I'm not sure how to say this, but I'm going be helping Black Canary train you guys from now on."

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