Chapter 52 : Back Home

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Jane was allowed to join the cardiac surgery department after eleven days. She stayed two weeks in the cardiac surgery department before joining the rehabilitation center. The doctors were very impressed by her strength and health. She had no infections, allowing the girl to recover rapidly. Jane was exhausted but she was determined to finally live correctly, and to take care of her new heart. She knew she would have a good aftercare and a good treatment, if something went wrong, she would know about it. 

After six weeks in this center, Jane could finally go back home. As Constance had no car, and as she didn't want Jane to take the bus, she asked Joyce to drive them. The woman obviously accepted, wanting to see Jane too. Constance and Joyce parked the car before entering the building, looking for Jane. They walked in the corridors and reached the room where she was staying. When they arrived, she was sitting on her bed, talking with a man. When the brunette noticed them, she stood with a smile. The man saluted them before letting them alone.

- "Hey," Constance said.

- "Hey," Jane smiled. "How are you?"

- "Good, good. I'm glad you're coming back home; I was feeling a bit lonely."

- "Yeah, I pretty sure Robin stayed with you all this time."

- "...Maybe, but I still missed you!"

Jane chuckled which made smile Constance and Joyce. The two sisters took each other in their arms for a tight hug. They broke the hug, allowing Joyce to take the young brunette in her arms too. After everything that happened, the mother was glad to see her like that, especially because she was there when Jane had her second heart attack which could have been lethal. Joyce broke the hug before placing her hands on Jane's cheeks and warmly smiling to her. After that, Jane said goodbye to all the people she met while Constance was taking care of the paperwork and Joyce was putting Jane's bags in her car. Now they were in the car in direction of the two girls' apartment, Jane in the back of the car.

- "It's not too weird to come back home?" Constance asked.

- "Yeah, it is! But it's a good thing. I kinda missed my comfy bed in my warm bedroom!" Jane answered with irony.

- "I believe you!" she chuckled. "I kinda changed a little bit the decoration. Not that much, but it's still something I guess."

- "Oh, I'm scared now. Decoration has never been your thing!"

- "Robin was with me, don't worry."

- "I'm not worried, just curious."

Constance had an amused sigh. Jane spent the ride explaining them what she had done in this center, that she had the opportunity to meet the family of her donor and that it helped her and them to accept the situation. She was feeling light now, those sessions with her psychologist really helped her to feel better in her own skin. Constance had a proud smile on her face the whole stories, understanding completely what she was feeling as herself was seeing a psychiatrist too, even if now he told her that a psychologist should be enough.

After a few minutes of ride, Joyce found a space in front of their building and parked the car. Joyce, Jane, and Constance all took some bags and went upstairs.

- "Maybe I could see if Emily is here, I would like to thank her for the drawing."

- "Let's put your bags in your room first," Constance said, unlocking the door.

- "Good idea."

Constance opened the door and let Jane enter first. When she switched the lights on, she heard:


She started and recognized her friends and neighbors who were all throwing confetti or applauding her. Jane turned to her sister who was smirking before widely smiling to all her friends. Emily didn't wait more and ran to her. Jane dropped her bags, grabbed her, and raised her in her arms, happy to be able to do that again.

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