Chapter 36 : Bad News

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As Jane was beginning to feel worse and worse, Constance decided to take her to hospital to see her doctors. Jane spent her day doing more tests. The two sisters waited at the hospital for the results. Now, they were facing Jane's doctor who was announcing them that Jane's lungs lost majority of their capacities because of her heart that lost its capacities too. The oxygen bags were not working anymore, now she needed to have her oxygen tank with her all the time. The doctor really seemed worried for her, without a new heart soon, it could be really worse.

The two sisters left the building in silence, both desperate by what they just heard. The ride in bus was long. As Jane had her oxygen tank on a crutch, she struggled to go inside the vehicle. The only good thing was that, sometimes, people were letting her their seat.

- "I'm not dead yet," Jane said.

- "I know," Constance answered.

- "Don't make this face then. You look like you're already burying me!"

Constance had a little scoff before turning to her sister and weakly smiling to her. Jane pouted and frowned.

- "I think it's worse," Jane said.

- "You can't blame me for being worried for you, right?"

- "I'm not. I just, I don't really know how to react myself."

- "Yeah, it's a lot of information to swallow."

- "Yeah..."

- "But we'll make it."

Constance put her hand on her sister's knee and squeezed it with a more sincere smile this time. They had been through a lot in their lives, they knew it was just a new obstacle to face again. It would be hard, but they could make it.

The two girls arrived at their building. To relieve her sister of a weight, Constance took the oxygen tank while Jane used her crutch and the handrail. She struggled less as she had more oxygen, but she wondered how it would be when she had the oxygen tank to move too. When they arrived in front of their apartment, a tall and strong man got out of it. He firmly looked at them, wanting to impress them, which didn't work, before leaving. The two girls entered and saw their father holding his face, sitting on the couch.

- "Who was that?" Constance asked, closing the door.

The man started before having a fake smile. He frowned when he saw Jane with an oxygen tank.

- "Don't worry, it won't be long, I'll be gone soon," Jane sharply said.

- "Jane; don't say that," Constance told with a sad tone.

- "What!? That's what he wanted, right!? Good job! I'm dying faster than it was planned! I wish it was you who died and not mom! I hate you!"

Jane burst out of the room the best she could, letting alone Constance with their father. Axel collapsed on the couch and let go some tears. The man looked at his daughter, like if he was expecting some support from her, but the blonde teen was more than angry, understanding Jane's reaction.

- "She has all the rights to hate you," Constance stated. "Why aren't you at work!?"

- "I...I got fired..."

Constance rolled her eyes and sighed loudly with her mouth, exasperated.

- "You play again?"

- "I...I..."

- "How much do you owe this guy!?"

- "Just, stay out of this, please."

- "You really need to pull yourself together."

- "I know."

Constance left the living-room to join her little sister in the bedroom. Jane was laying down on her bed, her head at the side of the ladder, as she was using it to help her to sit. Jane was in direction of the wall, the laptop on the bed with a movie, her Teddy bear in her arms. Constance sat on the chair of the desk and looked at her with sad eyes. She knew Jane was crying and that nothing would comfort her. The blonde teen grabbed her phone and sent a message to someone.

At the end of day, Jane was still on her bed, watching all the Disney movies she could, tears still falling on her cheeks. She was alone so she didn't try to hold them, but the door of her room opened. She wiped her tears but still didn't look up.

- "Jane?"

Jane wide opened her eyes before turning her head and seeing her girlfriend.

- "Hey," Max softly said.

Jane wiped her tears in a better way and blew her nose before trying to roll on her back. Max sat on the bed and looked at her girlfriend struggling to just sit.

- "I didn't know you were supposed to come," Jane sniffed.

- "Your sister told me you were not okay, and as you didn't come at school today, I was worried for you."

- "She told you?"

- "Yes."

Jane nodded before looking down. Max understood that she didn't want to talk about it, and, to be honest, Max didn't want to talk about it either.

- "Is it your new laptop?" Max asked with a small smile.

- "Oh, uh, yeah. It's pretty cool, right? Mehdi even gave us his login details for Netflix and Disney+."

- "Oh, that's really nice of him!"

- "Yeah, it is. Maybe I could present you to them one day?"

- "I would love to," Max smiled.

Max really wanted to meet Mehdi, especially because he was the first aider who participated to save Jane's life when she had her heart attack; she really wanted to thank him. Max moved the laptop to sit against the wall before gently laying Jane down on her lap, the laptop on her left. Max caressed Jane's face and head with her right hand and intertwined her fingers with Jane's with her left hand.

- "What did I miss today at school?" Jane asked.

- "Well, Alban didn't annoy us, which is something pretty rare. And Mr. Keller gave us back our works in chemistry."

- "Oh...Is it bad?"

- "No, it's not, relax," Max chuckled. "We had 12 on 20."

- "Oh, cool. I didn't ruin everything!"

- "Um, well..."

- "What?"

- "All your parts were wrong."

- "...Fuck chemistry. I hate it so much!"

- "Yeah, we saw!"

Max giggled which made smile Jane. Even if her smile was weak and sad, Max's heart melted at its view, not resisting it. The two girls stayed in this position, Jane letting Max take care of her. Jane was glad to see Max, she missed her today, and the redhead always managed to make her feel less sick, like if everything was fine. She hoped everything was fine.

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