"Take Your Adopted Son to Work Day"

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More dad Genya because HARUNO DESERVED BETTER.

Short story/Pre Vento Aureo AU

Summary: Genya reluctantly agrees to let Haruno join him on a "mission". It's just turning in a report, but he's still nervous. He has nothing to worry about though because a particular group takes in Haruno and keeps him company as he waits for his father.


Genya wanted to keep Haruno as far away from the grip of the mafia as possible, but this was easier said than done when the boy lived under his roof and was now his son. He and Jessie had taught Haruno how to defend himself, basic things like self-defense and how to shoot a gun. It was all just in case, Genya's line of work was always full of uncertainty over his safety, especially to those he cared about. He was nervous to give a nine-year-old boy a gun, but he'd later thank himself because there was one night Haruno had used it.

No one knew who Haruno was or that he was even living with Genya, so imagine a particular gangster's surprise when they saw a boy sleeping in a house they knew belonged to a mafioso they were planning to kill. They had broken in through Haruno's room, and they would've used the boy for blackmail if Haruno hadn't shot them between the eyes. Even he didn't know how he'd aimed so well, but Genya ran in as soon as he heard the noise and was shocked to find a deadman before Haruno who was still pointing his gun, hand steady while he stared wide-eyed in both shock and fear at what he'd done.

Genya put locks on Haruno's window after that along with bulletproof glass. Secretly, he was very proud of his son, but he couldn't express that to a nine-year-old, that he was proud he'd killed a man. The incident later became a funny story he and Haruno would chuckle about.

Throughout Haruno's new life, he found he was much safer despite his fathers being affiliated with a gang. Their work was dangerous, but he felt safer with them than he'd ever felt with his mother and stepfather. Haruno eventually realized what had happened to them a few years after Genya adopted him, but it didn't scare him, it made him feel more secure that Genya would go to such lengths for his safety. He felt more at home here than anywhere he had possibly gone before.

Haruno had his titles for his fathers, he called Genya "Padre" and Jessie "Dad" to avoid confusion. It took him a while to trust Jessie the way he did with Genya, but any friend of Genya's was a friend of his, so he did come around rather quickly to Jessie.

Despite the dangerous work his fathers did, Haruno had always wanted to join them on a mission, just something small. He just wanted a glance into the life of a mafioso, but he knew it could be unsafe. He'd asked Genya a few times, but the mafioso always said no and that he wanted Haruno to be safe, that this was too big a risk. Haruno understood, but he still wanted to go someday, maybe when he was older his father would let up on that rule a little bit, Genya did gradually tell him more about his job as he got older. He just didn't want to expose Haruno to all that at such a young age and Haruno respected that.

Haruno eventually got his wish. When he was thirteen, it was one morning he had off from school that Genya woke him up early, and before he could ask why, his father shushed him and explained.

"I have to turn in a file, it should only be a few minutes and the building is completely supervised by Passione."

Haruno sat up, rubbing his now wide eyes as he couldn't believe what he thought was actually happening. He didn't speak just yet, he had to hear Genya say it.

His father sighed, a smile tugging at his lips. "You can come with me."

Haruno was ecstatic. He knew it was something so simple but it made him overjoyed that his father would bring him along for this. Genya told him to dress casually, and Haruno did as he wore a light blue shirt, jeans, converse, and a simple jacket. Genya was rather casual as well, just a simple suit and coat.  The two left shortly after, Genya hiding a file in his coat as they walked down the street.

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