My Starlight

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So in this AU, all the Stands and Users live in this divine realm where they can simply watch and monitor the Earth, solar system, and basically the universe. The Stands are Deities and the Users are "Starlights". The Starlights are the Deities companions/attendants just as they are in the regular JoJo Universe. Requiem Deities are higher up and control/monitor more complex and important things in the universe. The "domains" are just sections of the universe like our solar system, different galaxies, etc.

*Remember the Time by Michael Jackson playing in the distance*

One shot/Starlight-Deity AU

Summary: GER is sent on a wild goose chase after a certain Starlight acted out of jealousy. They ache for their other half, for they feel as though they may never find him...


The door is swung upon as GER angrily makes their way into the domain. An unbridled rage is burning in their eyes, and they haven't even fully entered the room when they speak, their voice making everyone jump in surprise.

"Where is he!?" They demand, scanning the room before spotting King Crimson, and their eyes land on the tall figure beside him who glows a fiery, hot pink and just can't help the smirk that pulls at his lips.


GER lunges at Diavolo, grabbing him by the shoulders with a crushing grip. King Crimson is about to intervene, but it only takes a single death glare from GER to make both of his faces cower in fear as he backs away slightly.

"Where is he!?" GER demands once more, getting more enraged by the second as Diavolo now has a shit-eating grin splitting his face.

"Can't recall, perhaps he... fell?" Diavolo shrugs, seeming to enjoy how angry GER is becoming.


"What's going on here!?" Bruno, who glows a bright white, accompanied by Sticky Fingers and Narancia, who glows bright orange, rush into the room as Aerosmith flies between GER and Diavolo to separate them.

GER reluctantly let go, eyes still burning holes into Diavolo's very being. "That's exactly what I'm trying to find out." They say darkly as they back away slightly.

Bruno is startled by GER's murderous tone and immediately turns to the man before him with wide eyes. "What on Earth did you do, Diavolo!?"

Just then, Abbacchio (glowing lavender), Mista (an electric blue), Trish (a bright pink), Fugo (both white and red), and Polnareff (who looks as if he's made of pure silver), all accompanied by their respective Deities come into the room at the commotion.

"Funny you should mention Earth..." Diavolo hums thoughtfully, glancing about the starry domain around him. He sighs, deciding to admit what he's done, but he says it was a slight agitation at the memory of the one he speaks of next.

"I sent Giorno to the mortal realm."

The room goes silent, horror now displayed on everyone's faces. They can all see GER go from furious to ballistic, and they don't even have time to stop them before they lunge at Diavolo once more.

"YOU BASTARD!" They scream as they grab Diavolo by the neck and shake him with each syllable of their words. They're about to punch him when Sticky Fingers, Spice Girl, and Purple Haze grab their hand to stop them. It took all of them to overpower GER, and they once again reluctantly let go and release Diavolo, letting Bruno and the others deal with him instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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