"Boys Don't Wear Dresses."

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Look at what Giorno wears then look me in the eyes and tell me he's straight and would never wear a dress.

Short story/Post Vento Aureo AU

Summary: Giorno was always very flamboyant, his sense of style very distinct. There was always one item of clothing he'd wanted since he was a boy, but with what society thought was acceptable, he never got the change to get his hands on that piece of clothing until now...


Giorno loved fashion, he loved to accessorize, even if it was something little like his signature brooches. He was also aware of how flamboyant he was, but would occasionally tone his style down for meetings or going out in public. When it came to clothes, Giorno saw no gender, he liked both feminine and masculine characteristics in clothing, it was a gateway to express himself, and he found it exhilarating. There was one item of clothing that he had none of, a dress, not even a skirt.

The idea was drilled into his head as a child that boys don't wear skirts or dresses because it was just wrong. Giorno thought otherwise but had never really worn any skirt-like clothing before because he was afraid. A man who's favorite outfit has his whole chest on display, afraid to wear a dress. Despite being lectured about the idea of a boy wearing a dress being wrong, as a child, Giorno just couldn't grasp why because he liked the "girly" clothes.

He remembered sneaking into his mother's room when she and his father weren't home (which was very often) and going through her wardrobe. He never tried anything on out of fear he'd get caught aside from heels. He wanted to grow out his hair as a child, but his mother kept it in that stupid bowl cut.

There was a time Giorno questioned his gender identity. Did he want to be a girl? He eventually came to the conclusion that he still wanted to stay a boy, but he did want to wear women's clothing (he was definitely bisexual though, he knew that). He was able to get away with the minimum, pink suit, chest exposed, earrings, but once he became Don, he was able to get away with so much more because now, there was no mother or school dress code. Giorno was free to dress how he wanted now, but still, the thought of buying a dress, something he wanted so badly as a child, hadn't crossed his mind in years.

That thought hit him like a bus the other day though. Giorno was walking by a few (expensive) outlets, a box of shoes in one hand and a bag of three (very colorful) jackets in the other. Unlike most men, Giorno liked shopping, and as Don, nothing ever made a dent in his bank account. The blonde was heading back home now, walking about the street when he glanced at a store next to him before stopping dead in his tracks.

It was a unisex store, a side for men and a side for women, but Giorno wasn't paying attention to that, he was looking directly at what was in the window. Out on display for anyone passing by to see, stood a mannequin wearing a black and gold dress.

The dress was beyond words. First of all, Giorno loved black and gold together, but that wasn't just it. It was Italian silk, so it shined in the natural light. There were embroidery roses and vines all other it, each flower and leaf having extreme hyper-realism and lifelike texture. It was layered too, a second skirt sat on top of the main one beautifully. There was a V shape below the arms to show off the side of one's body below the armpit. And finally, where the cleavage would be, the dress dipped significantly.

Giorno was staring at it for a full two minutes before breaking his trance. The memories of childhood and wanting to try on his mother's dresses came flooding back to him. And suddenly, Giorno blushed, feeling embarrassed even though he knew nobody could read his mind. He gulped, (painstakingly) tore his eyes away from the dress and hurried back to his house.

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