I'd Like to Walk Around In Your Mind

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Stands being affectionate with their Users? Stands being affectionate with their Users. Also, Giorno bonding with GER because I'm sure he was a little worried at first by his Stand's drastic changes. Also also, GER's voice in this is the one from Eyes of Heaven and All Star Battle because that voice was PERFECT for a semi-sentient Stand.

Short story/Post Vento Aureo AU

Summary: Giorno starts to bond with his Stand more now that it's ascended to Requiem. They explore exactly what the connection between Stand and User is and what a Stand can protect its User from whether it be physically or internal.


Gold Experience Requiem was... different, but still, the Gold Experience Giorno knew at the same time. A while after Giorno had become Don, his stand had let him in on what exactly it's Requiem ability was. Giorno was sure Diavolo was dead but... he had no clue of the torment Gold Experience Requiem had put him through until now. He didn't feel bad though, that bastard deserved what he got and Giorno actually thought that a fate worse than death was fitting. But still, that ability... it was insanely powerful, unmatched even.

Some other things that had changed, Gold Experience Requiem was a bit of a mouthful at this point, so Giorno shortened it to GER. He and his Stand were still one and the same, if not even more connected now, but GER was now semi-sentient. It could have its own thoughts but was still under Giorno's control. It's life-giving ability remained the same and had actually become stronger. As for its range... even Giorno didn't know his Stand's full range now.

Appearance-wise, there were many drastic changes, but what was probably the most noticeable and somewhat eerie was the fact that GER had eyes. Not normal Stand eyes, but very human-like ones. Stands having human-like eyes were rare, Trish's Spice Girl, Fugo's Purple Haze, and Dr. Kujo's Star Platinum had them just to name a few, and even Polnareff mentioned to him that his Silver Chariot once had human eyes. They were rare, yes, but GER's stood out to him. It was the fact that they were always blown wide, eternally aware. That gaze could shake a man's soul, and even Giorno found himself somewhat scared by them.

Could a User be scared of their Stand?

Fugo was scared of his, it's ability was devastating and even he had no control of it at times, but this was different. A Requiem Stand, Fugo could call off Purple Haze, but could Giorno call off GER if it had the intention of harming him? His Stand was now semi-sentient, could that have put him in danger?

No, this was his Stand, it would never harm him. Their main purpose was to protect their user, so why did Giorno feel unease in his own Stand's presence?

"You're afraid of me, aren't you?"

Another change, GER could talk, and their voice wasn't like Giorno's at all. It sounded... slightly feminine, but deep at the same time. It was always in the same tone too, devoid of any emotion except its own kind, it's voice raising or lowering in pitch for a moment, something just barely noticeable.

Giorno turned around to find his Stand next to him. He was sitting at his desk, too much on his mind to do the boring paperwork in front of him. "I... wouldn't say afraid, just——"

"You are, It's been on your mind since I ascended into Requiem." GER couldn't really blame him, they were very aware of the changes they went through as well.

Giorno sighed. Right, GER knew him in and out. At least a positive to having a semi-sentient stand was that the conversations they shared seemed more fluid, he was still technically talking to himself but the replies weren't predictable.

Giorno, it's literally all Giornoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن