Chapter 5

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Narcisa lay in her four poster, she couldn't help but smile. She couldn't sleep, not with Alecto snoring beside her. Arthur Weasley, why was he having such an effect on her. He was a traitor to their kind, Narcisa would suffer a fate worse than her sister if she ever even admitted these feeling she was having to her family. "I've gone insane" thought Narcisa rolling over, the smile never fading from her face. She imagined what her family would say, what they would do. Then her mind wandered back to the question. Why?

Narcisa and Arthur had never really spoken. The first time Narcisa remembers seeing Arthur was when he had thrown a firework into a Slytherin study group that Narcisa had been attending when they had been in first year. It had hit Lucius in the back of the head and Narcisa had laughed. She remembered faintly Arthur winking at her as he ran away. Then the first time they had spoken that Narcisa could remember was Herbology class in second year. Then Narcisa's heart stopped she suddenly remembered something that she had forgotten until now. Her second year at Hogwarts had always been a blur and she never knew why but now she remembered. "We were partners in Herbology" she whispered to herself then clapped her hand over her mouth. When she realized that everyone was still asleep and couldn't hear her over Alecto's snores even if they were awake. She turned onto her back staring at the ceiling, trying to remember her second year.

Her and Arthur had become good friends in second year, Narcisa remembered it now. That was the year Lucius and the others had started becoming distant and Narcisa had started venting to Arthur about it. He would always listen to her and do most of the work in Herbology because she didn't want to get her hands too dirty. He would give her advice such as to forget about Lucius, Crabbe and Goyle and stick with the good friends she had.

He was the one who had introduced her too Pandora and they had become a sort of trio for a while. They liked to call themselves the Golden Trio, Arthur had come up with it and it had stuck. Their trio didn't last long though because when Narcisa had went home that summer and asked could she go visit Arthur she had nearly been beat with the old wooden broomstick that sat in the corner of their kitchen. Andromeda had to spend hours calming their parents down and then explained to Narcisa why it would be wise to stay away from Arthur. That same summer was the summer of no contact from Lucius or any of the other boys. The only person that Narcisa talked to all summer was Andromeda.

The following year Narcisa avoided Arthur like the plague and that was the last time she had ever spoken to him. She was allowed to stay friends with Pandora as her family were powerful allies but the Weasley's were off limits. "Maybe that's why Lucius was so jealous, maybe he remembers" Narcisa thought dreamily. She couldn't remember much about her second year at Hogwarts and right now she definitely couldn't. She could feel her eyes getting heavy and just as she had pushed all the bad thoughts out of her head she fell asleep, a small smile still lingering on her face as she slept.

The next morning Narcisa was shaken awake by no other than Helena Burke, the daughter of the owner of Borgin & Burke's. Helena never came to school by the Hogwarts Express and always arrived a day after everyone else, always being there in the morning bright and early to greet them at the breakfast table. No one knew how she got to school, but nobody really asked since Harriet Clearwater had asked her in third year and had gotten a whole speech about how she should do her hair to make herself look skinnier.

Helena now had Narcisa by the shoulders, shaking her violently "Come on Narcisa" she said, dragging Narcisa by the arm "Breakfast has already started, you're going to make us late" she squealed, fixing her tie and examining herself in the mirror. With black hair of wool and her head held high, she waltzed around my bed with an effortless saunter and turned on the radio. The clicking of her heels added rhythm to the soft classical music that played from the radio without pause. Her eyes scanned the room with determination in search of something when her eyes fell onto a bed in the corner beside the window. "And that will be my bed" she exclaimed, picking up he bag and throwing it onto the empty bed. If she hadn't been so vain Narcisa knew that she would have more friends. All Helena talked about was herself, Narcisa thought this was because it was the only subject she had to talk about since there was next to nothing between her ears.

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