Chapter 1

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Narcisa Black walked through her family home, double checking to make sure she hadn't left anything behind as she usually did before heading off. She went up the pristine and clean stairs that looked like they had never been dirty in their life. Narcisa had always loved her family home. It was mostly her favorite shade of black with hints of dark green spotted everywhere for her family house, Slytherin. She didn't think there had ever been a Black alive not sorted into Slytherin, well apart from her little cousin Sirius but he didn't count. Narcisa knew that he probably rathered not count as a Black.

Narcisa didn't like to involve herself in family drama, when her sister was banished for marrying a muggle she never said a word. Or when her cousin Sirius ran away she didn't pass any heed. Sirius had always been a strange boy, sorted into Gryffindor and hanging about with all his weird little friends. Then one day he ran away. Narcisa never knew why nor dare she let anyone think that she cared. Her mother had made sure that Sirius's father burned him off the family tree right away. Narcisa felt they had been looking for an excuse to do that for a while, considering he was going down the same path as Andromeda, not living up to his pure blood expectations.

Narcisa didn't understand why they all found it so difficult to just do as they were told, their lives would have been so much easier if they did. Whenever Andromeda left life was made a living hell for Narcisa for months. Her mother became paranoid and refused to let Narcisa or her sister into town afraid they would talk to muggle boys and follow their sister. Narcisa didn't understand her mother's paranoia as she had never associated herself with muggles before and she was quite sure that Bellatrix would rather jump off the highest tower before treating a muggle as her equal.

The constant badgering of her mother made Narcisa angry at her sister for causing all this displeasure. She could never go against the wishes of her family. Bellatrix, Narcisa's older sister never stopped talking about how much she loathed their estranged sister and how one day she would get the chance to exact her revenge. When Bellatrix got into states like this, ranting and raving about blood purity and filthy mudbloods souring the water, Narcisa had learnt that it was best just to listen to her. She heard her sister in the middle of one right as she was about to enter her bedroom to say goodbye.

Narcisa took a deep breath before opening the door. Bellatrix's room for some reason always made Narcisa shiver as she entered. It was always cold, her four poster bed was barely standing and leaned to the side. There were clothes everywhere, all the color of black. She had piles of books laid on a rickety old desk, all about dark magic. This was the one room in the house that the house elf's would refuse to clean but Bellatrix never minded, Narcisa thinks she liked it this way.

Sitting beside Bellatrix on her nearly collapsed bed was her husband Rodolphus Lestrange. Narcisa hated Rodolphus but she could never let her sister know that. He was vile and cruel, much like the woman he married. Narcisa could forgive Bellatrix because she was her sister, she didn't extend the same curtesy to Rudolphus. "I'm going to be heading off soon" said Narcisa as confidently as she could but some of her words came out in a stutter. "Oh Cissy" whispered Bellatrix which made Narcisa shiver.

Her sister had become more deranged over the last summer. Constantly itching her arm and moving in a way that seemed inhumane. Bellatrix approached Narcisa and wrapped her arms around her. "I will miss you most terribly" she said before backing away and smiling at her husband. Narcisa nearly fell over when she seen her sister smile. Her teeth had started to go yellow and some had even started to rot. She stifled a gasp and weakly smiled at her sister. "I will miss you too Bella" she said before rushing out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Just then Farlord their house elf came around the corner. "Keep a close eye on Bella for me will you" Narcisa said to the house elf who was bowing to her as she spoke. "Of course ma'am" said Farlord. He was one of the cleanest house elf's you would ever see. Loyal to the house of Black long before Narcisa's parents were even born. Narcisa always made sure to treat him kindly as the rest of her family did not.

Narcisa made her way down stairs where her mother was waiting for her. "You just remember who you are to spend your time with Narcisa" she said kicking one of the house elf's that was carrying Narcisa's luggage to the car. Narcisa winced as the house elf fell on its face and let out a small, nearly inaudible cry of pain. "I spent a lot of time buttering up the Malfoy's and I will not have you make me and this house out to be a fool. Do you understand!" her mother said firmly.

Narcisa felt sick, she had known that this would happen eventually but she always though it would be a long time away yet. She took a deep breath in and nodded her head. As she headed out the door her mother called behind her. "I better be seeing a bright mop of blonde hair accompanying you home at Christmas or you can forget about showing your face around here" just as the door slammed behind her.

Although Narcisa had a lot on her plate this year somehow she started to feel free. Every step she took towards her awaiting car was a step away from her family and she had never been so happy to go to Hogwarts.

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