Chapter 2

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Narcisa walked alone to the train, someone she didn't know wheeled her luggage across the platform. She kept her head high as people started to separate to let her through. She was now the last remaining Black sister at Hogwarts, everyone knew of her as Bellatrix's little sister. She knew that everyone was scared of her for that reason but Narcisa put that out of her mind for now.

She looked down near the bottom of the platform to see what she had dreaded seeing for weeks. There stood with his arm wrapped around the neck of a small second year Gryffindor boy who was yelling out for help. Lucius Malfoy was laughing maniacally as the group of boys surrounding him cheered. One boy imparticular stood out to her. He seemed young, maybe in the same year as the boy Lucius was terrorizing. He had long greasy black hair down to his shoulders and a hooked nose that stood out on his face. "Go on Lucius" he was screaming.

Narcisa walked slowly, hoping to wait out Lucius messing with the young boy and not have to deal with the situation before her. Suddenly she felt someone run past her, then another, then another. It was a group of Gryffindor boys running towards Lucius. Surely they weren't going to say anything, surely they would have more sense. "Hey blondie" shouted one of them, Narcisa recognized him almost instantly, it was Sirius.

Narcisa couldn't help but stop dead in her tracks as she watched the young boys, particularly Sirius, attempt to take on Lucius. Narcisa hadn't seen Sirius since his first night at Hogwarts when she had patted him on the back as he went up to be sorted. Little did she know that after that her mother and father would insist on cutting all ties with him and soon after his own parents would do the same.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size" screamed the boy beside Sirius, he seemed to be more out of control then the others. Like seeing his friend being picked on had brought out something in him, something dark. Narcisa had always been good at analyzing situations. You had to be when you belonged to a family like hers. You had to know when to speak and when to keep your mouth shut, when to ask for something and when to just go without it.

The third boy put his hand on the mad boys shoulder "Calm down Remus" he whispered looking around and noticing everyone's stares. The boy was small enough for his age but he would grow, his hair stood up in every direction refusing to sit in just one place. "I've got this James" spat Remus. The anger in his voice was undeniable. "So this is the famous James Potter" Narcisa thought to herself.
That's who Sirius had run off to live with.

She watched from a distance as the boys reached Lucius. "Let Peter go" said Sirius, pointing his wand directly at Lucius's face. Lucius laughed, how could he not. A curly headed second year threatening him, a fifth year, it was laughable. To this the greasy headed boy pulled out his wand. "Put your stick down Snivelus, we all know you couldn't hex a fly" laughed James.

Suddenly a bright ginger headed girl appeared between Sirius and Lucius. "Guys come on it's not even the first day" she sighed looking at the group of boys. She turned to the greasy headed boy "Come on Severus, you know this is stupid" she said. Lucius suddenly stood up straight, towering over the young girl. "And who might you be" he said staring down at her. James stepped in front of her straight away, as did Sirius and Remus. The boy who Lucius had been tormenting that Sirius had called Peter took this chance to escape and ran behind his friends. Lucius shot a look at Severus "Lily Evans" muttered Severus. Lucius still looking at Lily with a hunger in his eyes asked Severus another question "Blood status" he questioned.

Severus hesitated, as if trying to protect the young girl he had named as Lily. Narcisa wondered how he could have such a hatred for the boys but yet feel empathy for Lily Evans. Narcisa knew before Severus even said the words what she was. Evans wasn't a wizarding family name. It took Severus a while before being shot a deathly look from Lucius before finally saying "Muggle born". Lucius laughed, it wasn't a humerus laugh "And why does a filthy little mudblood dare talk to me" he spat.

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