The time I slept with Aaron Hotchner and before JJ. Emily Prentiss pov:

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It was a very late night after we salve our case.  Jerry Huffner almost got away, he was about to get on a Jet and leave the country. But we got him just in time. Aaron ran after  Jerry and tackled him to the ground and handcuff him before we could get over there. I know I shouldn't be kinda falling in love with Aaron and Jennfur. Later that night and after getting back to the hotel, I already was in my t-shirt and boxers. I heard a quiet knock at the door.
    I wrap my arms around my boobs and walk to the door. When I open the door I noticed that Hotch smell and look drunk and not to lie I'm kinda drunk myself.
Emily " Hey Hotch, what up?"
Aaron " It's Aaron after hours. Now that I'm drunk my mind is a little bit clear about you."
Emily " Excuse me?"
Aaron " I think I'm falling in love with you."
I smile a little, I slowly look Aaron up and down. I let him in my room. Aaron look me up and down but sweeter than I did. Aaron back me into a wall, he placed both of his hands on both sides of me so I couldn't get away. I slowly glazed into his warm loving blue eyes. He soft but slowly leaned his way into our kiss, I ran my hand through his soft long brown hair. Aaron pick me up by my thigh and ass but a little bit harder than I like.
    Aaron slowly made his way by kissing my inner thighs, his tongue is very long and felt very good and reached many places that many men can't. I grab the bed sheets and squirming around on the bed. I panted for a while after Aaron did his thing down there, I sat up on the bed. I got up with my whit tight shirt still on, I drug through my backpack with my ass in the air. I could feel Hotch's cold big hands on my ass, and as well as something hard between my legs. I smiled ever so slightly. I finally uncovered my hand cuffs and leaned up against his hard cock and slowly push my butt up and down. I could feel a weak breath on my ear.
Hotch " oh baby, you are making me harder by doing that."
    My face felt really hot. I held out the handcuffs up well kissing Aarons neck. I slowly walk back words, Aaron try to grab the handcuffs from me, he thought they were for me.
Emily " not for me."
Hotch " Oh!"
    A big smur came upon his face and I slowly turn myself away from the bed. I push Aaron on the bed, I made my way to Aaron's body by climbing my way on my knees, I was still passing very hard cock. Well handcuffing Hotch I sat on his face. He start licking my clit. After I handcuff I say there. In a quiet voice I said this.
Emily " Oh yes baby!!"
    My eyes rolled in the back of my head, I crawled my way back to his body, I kiss Aaron. The taste of my own pussy came rushing through from his tongue. I softly smark how hot his body looked and felt on the way back down.

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