Jennifer Joreau pov: Spencer

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I heard a soft and quiet knock at the door. And I thought it was Emily but it was Spencer. He also reeked of bourbon.
JJ " I didn't know you drank Spencer?"
Spencer " Ya only sometimes but when I do half the time I drink a little too much."
JJ " Ya I can tell."
He slowly lend in closer to me, He pulled my chin closer to his lips. His kiss was strong but sweet and somewhat like bourbon. And that stubble felt nice and somewhat comfortable. He slowly push his tongue into my mouth, there was a hand on my ass.
I walk backwards into my hotel room still kissing Spencer. He backed me into a wall, he ran his long fingers through my short blonde hair. It was a crazy and long night, he was already gone, I sat down to get dress and noticed that the bed still reeked of bourbon. I reach into my bag to get one last thing, and there was a letter underneath my make-up bag. On the outside of the envelope it read.
Emily " My love."
The letter " I'm so sorry my love but I had to turn my phone off because someone has been tracking me for a while and last night they sent a text threatening you. And I had enough. And I couldn't tell anyone else. And the other person I had told was Aaron Hotchner. I also told Aaron that he was the father and that he wouldn't have to help you or me with her. I've thought of a name for her. It would be Lauren. There is a second letter that Hotch has in his bag where we meet me at."
I rushed out of my room and down the hallway to 223 were Aaron and pounded like crazy intel he answered. I kinda rush in like nobody's business.
Aaron " what the hell do you need?"
JJ " Did Emily leave you a letter for me?"
Aaron " Ya she did."
Aaron walk to his to-go bag and pulled out another envelope with a red lipstick kiss on the opening side. The thought of her kisses all over my body. Aaron handed me the letter.
JJ " I'm going to take off as soon as we land back at the BAU, to be with Emily and Lauren for a while. I'm sorry to spring this on you so soon."
Aaron " Ya that's totally fine with me, Just make sure you clear this with the director."
JJ " ok."
I rush back to my room, And as soon as I step foot into my hotel room. The bourbon that Spencer drank last night, still made the room reek. And just the smell of it, made my head hurt. I went straight to the window to open it. I lend against the wall to read the letter.
The letter " I know we've been broken up for a month, but I want to get back together, so I can protect you and raise Lauren with you. And you can be mine forever. Would you be my girlfriend again? I love you so much."
A couple of tears rolled down my face. And one time she told me that if there were a weird sentence, it had to be one of our code words or something like a letter. I immediately went to my bag, and got out my book that I alway bring for reading but I never get to read because I'm always tired when I get back. I little yellow and blue fell out. When I flip it over it reads an address. It was her childhood home, I pictured how little Emily looked and how cute my girlfriend was. That thought maybe me smile.
I was the first one on the jet, so I decided to have a little me time and read my book that Emily got me. One the whole team got on, I slowly dozed off. You could still kinda smell Spencer.

BAU JemilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora