Aaron Hotchner pov: Long before the BAU in basic training.

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The Captain of one of my agent training classes and before I met Haley there was a really cute girl that was teaching the class. Her name is Emily Prentiss... I kinda feel head over dance shoes for her. I try to keep a straight face but I keep smiling in front of her.
After my training was all done she had asked me out for some drinks at Jumpers bar and grill. That was on the other side of town from my apartment. I had some much that night, we had some laughs and giggles... Even though I don't laugh that much. Also we got pretty drunk and I never get that drunk but I was having fun and trying to impress her like I do with all of the women that I go out with.
Before Halloween Or more like on Halloween eve I asked Prentiss out again, I was very happy that I would get to go on a date with her again. She showed up at my house exactly at 6:30 with a bottle of red Chardonnay. She is wearing a supper cute pumpkin shirt that said boo. I could tell that was not her style but she was just trying to be cute and fun. I headed to where the pumpkins were sitting on the counter waiting for us. She gave me a little but shy smile and she also bit her bottom lip very slow and softly. Her lips bagged to be kissed and bitten as well, I stop her in the opening of the kitchen, I pushed her against the wall and kiss her soft but hard at the same time. That tongue of her felt really good going into mine. I slowly brush my hand throw Emily's short black hair, she bit my lip back.
We carved pumpkins, we had a messy fight with pumpkins seeds. Even days after I was still finding the seeds. I couldn't stop thinking about her kiss.

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