Penelope Garca pov: The case

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I had gotten a text from Hotch saying that we were ready for me to present that case to everyone. I grabbed the usb off of my computer and headed off to the bullpen. Emily was giving hell to Spencer about wearing a scarf in June, I watched Emily reveal Spencer hickey. As Aaron walk in Spencer coved himself up quickly. I was the first one in the conference room. I plugged the usb into the t.v and brought up the photo, I sat down when everyone had just started to coming in.
Penelope " Three body came from a lake in Louisiana, There were cuts all the way up and down there bodys. There also no trace of seual assault. I'm pretty sure that there was but it had washed away from being in the lake for 4 ½ months. Another girl came up missing from Mississippi and that was where all the missing women come from."
Spencer " He is a sexaul status and it must have started when he was a teen or a young boy. He must have started with the family dog or a wild animal. Then started with peeking into the teenage girls window."
Penelope " There is now a 5th victim, missing from the same spot in Mississippi, on the 4 victim she had traces of sexual assault and she wasn't in the lake as the other three girls."
Spencer " And it looks like that with the first 2 girls he kept them for a month or longer. And their missing person report on the first three girls and the other 2 there was no missing person report at all."
Hotch " wheels up in 15!"
Emily and JJ was the first 2 out of the room. I went back to my bat cave and started on my research. Derek came before they lifted for Louisiana, He kissed my forehead.
Derek " Bye baby girl."
Penelope " Bye chocolate thunder!"
I heard Derek giggle on his way out of my layer. About 2 ½ hours later, I finally got a call from my Derek.
Derek " Hey baby girl, what do you get for us."
Penelope " You knew I always do my love, I have ID all four Girls, Jenny Martinez. She was 19, she also had a kid of her own and her son is only 3.
Amelia Thompson 20 years also with a kid but a daughter that just turn 3 yesterday.
Elizabeth Taylor 18 year old but this time had no kid. But she was about to head off to college but she never made it there.
Charlotte Kings 21 year old, the only one with a 6 year daughter and a 3 year old son.
And get this out of the 4 kids 2 of those kids are related by the same father. And He is no wear to be found."
Derek " Wow, Thank you baby girl, I will call back when more is needed."
Penelope " Ok, bat girl out."
An hour later I got another call from Derek.
Penelope " You just can't leave me sitting and waiting for a long period of time. I just can't handle it."
Derek " ok, I'm sorry baby. But I do have something for you, where was the last knowing address of the father of the 2 kids?"
Penelope " Ok coming right up for my hanson Derek morgan."
I typed as fast as I cloud, I brought Derek off of hold.
Penelope " Get this the knowing address was Elizabeth taylor, I also found out when she was killed, she was about 2 week Pregnant."
Derek " ok,thank you."

BAU JemilyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora