꧂ Chapter 12

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Yeona's POV

I didn't see it at first. It was already about half an hour since math class started. I had to blink a couple of times to make sure that it wasn't just my imagination. Beside my drawing of the little bus station on my math desk is a drawing of a little bus. It was animatedly drawn that I'm sure that wasn't my own drawing style. Someone must've been bored just like me.

The first thought that came to me was that if I get into trouble because of this, at least I wouldn't be alone. The person who drew the bus also used a ballpoint pen.

I wonder how often they wipe down these desks. It's only a matter of time before someone will report it. Or not. Maybe students doesn't really care about drawings on desks. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Before I could stop myself, I draw a girl sitting on the station. A bus station has to have people in there, right? But I know I was just reminiscing on that time. It's just the perfect picture for it. Since the drawing is already there, it wouldn't hurt to add a little detail.

The bell rang and I stood up immediately. Seungmin intercepted me by the door.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey. I'm not joining you guys for lunch today." He said.

"Oh." I mumbled. "Why?"

"All the guys from my class are going to eat out." He said.

That sucks. I mean, I'm glad that Seungmin is socializing. It's just since Seongjun is also joining his friends today, that means it's only me, Eunchae, and Huijun. I grunted. "Sure, but you know I hate being the third wheel."

Seungmin laughed. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll join you tomorrow."

"Okay." I said, still a little bit disheartened. "Wait, what about the lunch box?"

"That I can't take today." He said.

"What? My brother will kill me. I can't eat two portions."

"Give it to Huijun. He always buys cafeteria food."

"Yeah, okay." I said. Like that's a really great idea.

We said our goodbyes and I went to the cafeteria. I kept thinking how I will casually give Huijun the lunch box in front of his girlfriend. I mean it's just Eunchae and it's not like I cooked it for him, but still it feels so awkward.

When I reached our usual table, Huijun wasn't around. I sat in front of Eunchae. "Hey, where's your other half?" I asked.

"He went to buy food." She said.

"Oh." I haven't realized that could happen first. "Seungmin couldn't join us. And I kinda have extra food today." I took out both of my lunch boxes. "I was hoping to give it to Huijun but I guess I would just have to eat it myself."

"Maybe he could still..." Eunchae started but Huijun was already on his way to our table. "Guess not. He's already bought his food."

"Then I have no choice." I opened both the containers and I immediately got worried at the sight of it. I can't eat all of these. "Or maybe I should just let Junhyuk deal with mom about this."

"Why do you even do this for him?" Eunchae asked. "And why can't he just tell your mom he doesn't like having lunch boxes anymore."

"Because he's the favorite and he doesn't want to hurt mom's feelings." I said. "And I'm doing this because he promised to do half of my chores until he can finally say it. That gives me a lot of extra time drawing."

"Where's Seungmin?" Huijun sat beside Eunchae with his tray of food. He bought a lot. Now I can't even ask him to eat some of the food.

Before I could answer him, Song Minjae passed by our table and caught sight of the two lunch boxes in front of me. "You planning to be a fat drawer, Drawer?"

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