꧂ Chapter 5

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Yeona's POV

"Isn't he nice?" Eunchae asks me, not even two minutes after we part ways with Huijun and Seungmin. "Please tell me you like him."

We had fun on our 'double date' that doesn't felt like a date to me at all. In the end, we went to the arcade. Seungmin has this bright personality that you can't help but go along. He made me laugh countless times, making me forget for a moment that my bus boy is on a date with my best friend.

Seungmin's distractions doesn't last long though because bus boy, a.k.a. Huijun, was literally just a few feet away from me the entire time, laughing-and obviously flirting-with Eunchae. I sure hope my date didn't notice how my eyes fly to his friend every few seconds or so. That would've been so...inappropriate.

I try not to act bothered by Eunchae's question now. "Seungmin's great. I think we'll really get along."

"Oh." She says, clearly not expecting my answering. I know she was asking about Huijun. Because it's a big deal to her that I, her best friend in the whole wide world, become BFFs with the boy she likes. Especially now that they're going to spend more time together because, apparently, they've already arranged for all of us to be friends now that we're entering the same high school.

My opinion matters to  Eunchae and hers to me. It has always been that way for me, her, and Seongjun. But I intendedly misinterpreted her question because I still wasn't sure on what to say.

"That's really, really great!" She beams. "I'm sure Seungmin will be a lot of help to you. He seems to like you too."

I shrug. "I don't think so. I think he found me boring more than anything else."

"Oh, come on, that's nonsense. You were laughing with him! That is something."

"Well, yeah, I guess..."

We walk in silence for a moment. When she catch my eyes, she said, "Uhm...I was actually asking about Huijun. So...what do you think of him?"

I know there's no way I could dodge this question. From what happened today, or rather who we met and how my whole brain reacted to him, I'm so sure there's already this small gap in my friendship with Eunchae. And I have to mend it before it gets bigger. I am aware that this is the only chance I've got to tell her about Huijun. If I miss it, it'll just be harder and harder as time goes.

But Eunchae is looking at me right now with hope and anticipation. She's eager for me to approve of him, to tell her that he'll be perfect for her. But that would be a lie. I want to cry. I also don't want to crush her with the truth. She likes him so much that her eyes twinkle the way I've never seen before when she was with him earlier. So I have to make a choice and let her be happy.

"He seems...nice." I say. "I mean, nice. He's fine. And I think he's really into you. It's so obvious." Even thought it kinda hurts, I know that's true. I've seen through him, how he wanted to hold her hand and be as close to her as possible. Because, mostly, that's what I wanted to do with him.

"Nice?" Eunchae scoffs but I can tell she's pleased with my answer. "Can't you think of a more specific word to describe him? Like...have you noticed any flaw or reasons why I shouldn't continue on liking him?"

I laugh lightly. "Why would you look for his flaws?"

"Because what if I can't see his bad sides because I like him too much? That's your role as my best friend to see what I can't. Is he like what you've imagined? From what I've told you about him?"

Can't it get any more awkward? Do I have to deal with this every single day that she likes him? I don't think I'll even survive a day.

"I don't really know what I'd expected." I say because that's true. I was just happy she's happy. Whoever the boy is. But, now, Huijun isn't just whoever anymore.

"Come on! You must have had an image of him in your head."

Sure, I've had an image of Huijun in my head for ten whole months. "Uhm... I suppose he's really like what you'd said your perfect guy will be."

She grins. "Aww. He's handsome too, right?"

I focus on the path ahead of us. I wanna go home quickly. I can't handle this anymore. I am feeling panicked and guilty by her questions and I hope, and hope, she didn't notice it. From my peripheral vision, I can see that Eunchae is looking at me, waiting for an answer.

But what am I supposed to say? Huijun is definitely handsome. If I say that, will she see right through me? If I say no, then it will probably hurt her feelings.

"Well, he's different from the other boys you've liked before." I say, going for a safe answer.

"I know, right? He seem more mature, somehow. And I like it. It's different."

I didn't say anything.

"I guess that's unavoidable," Eunchae continues. "His parents are always out on business trips and he's often left alone in the house ever since he was younger. He told me it was really lonely at first but he got used to it."

My heart breaks a little for him. I didn't need to know that. "But he seems pretty fun."

She smiles again. "Yeah. I like that he thinks positively on things."

I give her a small smile, too. I don't know why we decided to walk back home. We're still a few minutes away and if we'll only talk about Huijun the entire time, I'll be insane by the time we reach our block.

"He likes you." Eunchae says, suddenly.

"Did he say so?" I ignore my pounding heart and try to sound casual, indifferent as if her words didn't do something to my stupid emotion.

"I can just tell." She answers. "You two are going to be best friends. I just know it. You'll see once you get to know him better."

With that, my heart sinks. I don't know, Eunchae. I really don't know anymore.

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