꧂ Chapter 21

136 11 42

Huijun's POV

I spent the entire Sunday in bed. Eunchae was here during the day but she made sure I have company at night so he told Seungmin to sleep over. He told his parents I'm sick and, since I'm living alone, I needed someone to watch me. They told me to just come over to their place but I refused saying I'm more comfortable in my own house. They still made Seungmin bring a lot of home cooked food that I'm sure will last for a week.

When Eunchae's here, Seungmin stayed in the big room playing with the dance machine. I don't see him until Eunchae goes home when he will come back here in my room to play video games. Eunchae took out a mattress for him that I don't even know I have. I swear she knows this apartment more than I do. I didn't talk much with them and I doubt Seungmin even knows what was really happening. But I'm thankful he agreed to stay.

By Monday, I was already feeling okay. I woke up first and I tiptoed out my bedroom, avoiding Seungmin on the floor. I prepared for school like I always do. Seungmin only came out of the room when I was already in the kitchen preparing for breakfast.

"Why are you so early?" He asked, his eyes are still half-closed and his hair is sticking out on every direction.

"To fetch Eunchae." I said as I put down a couple of plates on the dining table.

Seungmin yawned and lazily walked towards the living room. I heard his body plumped down against the leather couch. "Right. That's your thing, not mine. I can still have thirty minutes of sleep."

"Get up and eat with me." I said. "I reheated some of the food your mom made."

"Just eat everything." He said with another yawn. "I'm tired of my mom's cooking."

I went to the living room and threw a pot-holder right on his face. "Just get up." I said.

"Fine." He said as he finally stood up. "I forgot you rarely get to eat breakfast with a living person."

"I never get to eat breakfast with a dead person either." I countered, trying to ignore how sad what he just said sounded.

"You live in a big house, you never know." He said.

That got me a little bit. I took the pot-holder from him rather aggressively. "Shut up."

He laughed as he followed me towards the table.

While we're eating, the doorbell sudden rang.

"Who'd be visiting you this early?" Seungmin asked.

I also have no idea. I stood up. "Maybe the landlady." I said.

When I looked at who it is through the door viewer, I only saw a stuffed puppy staring back at me. I immediately smiled knowing who it is.

I opened the door for Eunchae. "You're finally okay!" She exclaimed and handed me the stuffed toy as she entered and removed her shoes. Sometimes, I can't keep up with how energetic she always is.

"You could've at least texted me." I said. We're not good at the usual greetings. We just say whatever we want to say to each other when we meet.

"And where's the surprise in that?" Smiling, she finally faced me. "It's actually nice doing this once in a while."

I smiled back at her fondly and pulled her into a hug, tighter than usual. I planted a kiss on her head before we pull away. "You're the best."

"I know." She said.

"Hey, you're not the landlady." Seungmin was looking at us from the end of the entry hall.

"Good morning to you too, chicken pajamas." Eunchae said.

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