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Minjae's POV
9th Grade

I wasn't nervous. If anything, I am very excited. Meeting new people has always been fun for me especially if they will be equally excited to meet me. No one knows me here, no one knows about the rumors, no one will criticize me and, most of all, no one will betray me.

I breathe in the morning air just before I entered the school building. A fresh start.

When I was introduced in front of the class, everyone gave me a warm smile unlike all the judgmental grins during my last few months on my previous middle school. It wasn't always like that but because of the rumor about me and a practice teacher dating, it's as if everyone had their backs turned on me. Of course, the rumor wasn't true. How could people even believe a stupid story like that? I don't know who started it, I just know that nobody was on my side.

So I was very happy to be in a new environment that I was already talking to most of the class in no time. They were also happy to meet me, asking me a bunch of harmless questions that I all gladly answered. I was even already invited to a gathering among most of the boys tomorrow.

"Minjae-yah!" One of my classmates called as I was on my way out the room that afternoon. "Do you play soccer? We're going against some guys from the other class. Come join."

"Sure." It didn't take me any time to agree. Everybody changed out of their uniforms into some more comfortable clothes. I didn't have anything so I settled with my undershirt.

I thought we were heading to the school's soccer field but I followed my classmates out the school grounds and to a green space just a couple of blocks away. The field is lined with cherry blossoms which are still in their full pinkish bloom. There are a few children running around and some people sitting on the benches admiring the gorgeous view.

We walked to the other side of the grassy field where boys our age were waiting with a ball on the ground. I noticed the two goal posts on either side of the area which is not that big, just enough to let the dozen of us run around.

"You brought a new face." One of them said as we neared. I introduced myself and they told me their names one by one. They were all from the same class just like we were, and that's how the teams were divided.

After about an hour playing, we were all drenched in sweat so we decided to take a break. All of them play well that I almost couldn't keep up, especially with me playing in my school pants. I'll make sure to bring a proper sports attire in case they let me join again.

"Isn't that our new classmate?" One of the boys from the other class pointed at someone in headphones walking the streets just outside the field. All of our heads turned to his direction.

"You have one too?" Someone asked. "Ask him to join us."

"Hey! uhm..." One started shouting with one of his arms raised. Then, he turned to his classmates. "What's his name again?"

They all looked at each other, then shrugged. "Did he tell us his name? I didn't see him speak the entire day."

"Yeah. I tried to approach him but he always had his headphones on."

"Maybe he's shy?"

I still watch headphones boy until he rounded a corner where we couldn't see him anymore. There's no doubt about it. Noh Huijun, my best friend who had been ignoring me for months, transferred to the same school as I did.

"I think I'm gonna go." I stood up, clutching my bag with one hand.

"Already? We could still play one more game."

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