꧂ Chapter 9

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Yeona's POV

"Really? The amusement park?" Seongjun said in disbelief as we stand in front of the entrance, waiting for Huijun and Seungmin to arrive. "What are we, seven?"

"Aww. I thought you'd be the most excited about this." Eunchae mocks. "Stop acting like you're more grown up than we are."

"Well, this should be fun." I said. "As long as I get to ride the Ferris wheel."

"We'll make sure to have time for that." She said.

I'd never had the chance to ride the Ferris wheel in this park before, even though I've grown up going here. It's huge and high and the line is always long which is the reason why we never bothered. They say it's just a waste of time to fall in a line that long. But since I'd ridden pretty much everything else at this point, I don't care how much time I'll waste. I just wish my friends will be really up for it at some point in the day.

"Eunchae!" Huijin's voice rings out and my heart jumps. Even though I've been trying my best not to interact with him for the past week, he still have that effect on me. I know, horrible. I should be used to him being with us by now. He went directly to hold Eunchae's hand like he always does. I tried again not to focus on that.

Then I saw Seungmin leaping behind him, already wearing a green frog eyes headband.

"I thought we're supposed to buy one of those inside." I told him.

He shrugged. "Why buy another if you already have one that you barely even use?"

"He's just being stingy." Huijun said.

"It's called being economical." Seungmin argued.

After entering the theme park, we first went inside the gift shop to buy headbands for the rest of us. I go around and found a stack of Mickey and Minnie Mouse headbands and thought it would be nice to wear a matching pair with someone. I was contemplating to get the one with the large ribbon when someone grabbed one of the plain Mickey ears.

I glanced up and saw Huijun checking out the fabric of the headband. "This is soft." He said to no one in particular.

I'm about to say something when Eunchae walked over beside him. "Oh hey, we could wear matching ones." She said.

"I was just thinking about that." Huijun smiled at her.

I quietly moved to the next stack of headbands, pretending I wasn't even interested in the previous lot, and leave them in their world. I don't want to hear how they have their own conversations and only end up wishing it was me he's talking to. Seriously, what is wrong with me?

I scan the rest of the headbands and saw the different color versions of Seungmin's frog eyes ones. I smiled as I pick up one of the pinks.

"I didn't know they come in different colors." Seungmin was suddenly beside me. "Will they notice if I trade mine with the blue one?"

"Please don't even try." I said. "I won't even think about helping you get away with it if they did."

"You're such a bad friend."

"No, I'm not! I'm a good friend. You're the one who constantly want to do devilish stuff."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

Seongjun appears and reaches for a purple frog eyes headband. "So are we all wearing these?" He immediately wears it over his head and I did the same with the pink one I was holding.

"Uh, nope." Seungmin answered and gestured to Huijun and Eunchae who are a few feet away, now looking at other stuffs together. I bet they're finding other things that matches. "Those two definitely went for a couple thingy."

Sure enough, they are wearing the matching pair from earlier. Eunchae chose the one with the traditional red and white Minnie polka dot bow.

"Yeah, forget about them." Seongjun said, unconcerned. "It's expected they're gonna be doing their own stuff. I was only referring to the three of us anyway."

"Oh. Then let's all be toad buddies." Seungmin said.

We paid for our headbands and wandered off towards the busy areas of the park. As always, the place is bustling with happy people. I always wonder how amusement parks have the power to make everyone pump up with excitement. Even if you're tired, there's just something that seems to lend you enough energy to go around.

Happy music booms in every direction. When I was little, I thought the sounds come from the skies. But, eventually, I found out that the rocks and mushrooms that are supposedly for decorative purposes are actually speakers. Since then, Seongjun, Eunchae, and I started counting how many of those are in this park. We never get to know because we always get distracted along the way, until we stop trying altogether.

"I bet you five bucks we're gonna lose them in less than an hour." Seongjun said. He was talking to Seungmin. His eyes are fixed on Eunchae and Huijun who are merrily walking side by side a few feet in front of us. "They aren't even looking back to see if we're still here."

Seungmin shook his head. "I think they can last for more than an hour."

"Shake on it?" Seongjun reaches a hand and Seungmin takes it.

"You guys are weird." I said.

"Yeona, you keep the time." Seungmin said. He looks at his watch. "It's now 11:04 so by 12:05, if those two are still with us, I get five bucks."

"But if they aren't," Seongjun emphasized. "I'm the one getting five."

Just then, the couple glanced back at us. "Hey guys! How about bumper car first?" Eunchae said.

We all uttered our agreement simultaneously and followed them towards where the bumper cars are.

Once we'd hopped on the cars, I started to wish I didn't agreed on this. I mean, there isn't anything wrong with the ride. It's just that I feel like I have the front seat to Huijun and Eunchae's very own romantic teen movie and it's so hard for me to act indifferent.

Huijun had his arm around Eunchae which I think affects how he handles their car. That's definitely less comfortable than with both your hands on the steering wheel. I know because, even having both my hands on, I'm still having a really hard time maneuvering ours. I'm sitting with Seongjun and we take turns on the wheel every few seconds. Seungmin is riding alone and he has more control compared to all of us.

When I saw Huijun about to strike from behind, I reverse right into them and send them spinning away in sparks. Eunchae screams, then laughs. Huijun has this wide smile on his face ever since we started.

"Nice one!" Seongjun said.

But I didn't notice Seungmin attack from the side, jolting our car violently towards the sides.

"Hey!" I grumbled. He just laughs and turned to his next target.

"Give me." Seongjun said and I dropped my hands as he takes over. When he turns, it was just in time for me to catch how Huijun pulled Eunchae towards him into a hug as Seungmin strikes them on her side. It was right then that Seongjun chose the moment to cry out his attack and rush head-on towards both their cars. They didn't have time to move away so all of our cars shuddered on impact and it ended with laughters.

We went to enjoy a few more rides before deciding for a food break. I learned that Seungmin and Huijun aren't good with roller coasters but they still went along, if not a little bit forced. Seongjun took that opportunity to tease Huijun about how he's gonna deal with Eunchae if he can't handle a simple roller coaster. He argued that it isn't nice to compare her to a roller coaster, that it's totally different. Eunchae just argued alongside him. They really go well together.

In every ride, I watch Huijun help Eunchae climb in and out every car. The way he offers his hand and then pulls her against him as they smile at each other is a very, very sweet sight. If only I weren't too focused on them then I could've actually enjoyed every moment of this trip.

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