꧂ Chapter 30

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Yeona's POV

"Yeona-yah!" Eunchae was waving outside our classroom a few minutes after the bell rang for lunch. I held up a hand to ask her to wait a few more seconds.

"It's beautiful. Don't stress too much about it." Seungmin said as I was studying my painting one last time before putting it back on the easel. "Just go and eat with that friend of yours. You don't want her to wait any longer."

'That friend of yours' had been Seungmin's nickname for Eunchae ever since we started hanging out again a few weeks ago. Seungmin and Minjae don't come with me when I'm with her. I don't blame them. It's hard to go back to our normal when specific issues hadn't been addressed yet.

I looked back at my canvas. For the past week, I've been working on a landscape painting of beach sunset and all I've been thinking is how much I suck at blending specific colors. We're to focus on blue, yellow, and orange this week and everything should be finished by this afternoon's painting class.

"I don't have enough blue. The sea is all dark and gloomy." I said for the hundredth time today. Because it really looks dark and gloomy. "I wish I thought of a brighter concept like yours."

Seungmin had painted a fish tank with a couple of goldfish. It's simple but the three colors definitely popped out. All of my classmates have very interesting themes. Minjae's painting, the one I'm most envious of, has so much detail going on that it almost looks like an actual photograph. His concept was autumn. He'd painted a bridge in the middle of vibrant fall trees and a pond reflecting the bright blue sky. There's no other word to describe it. It's perfect. I'm sure he'll get all the compliments again on this afternoon's class.

"Hey, dark blue is also blue," Seungmin said in an attempt to cheer me up. He knows I haven't been satisfied with any of my artworks ever since the start of this school year. "At least you won't be scolded for having a childish concept like mine. My creativity will absolutely be zero."

"At least you have all three colors," Minjae said, suddenly joining in our conversation like he always does. Looking over at my canvas, he smirked. "You used more gray than blue. Are you depressed or something?"

"No," I said and stood up, grabbing my painting. "It's best if you don't comment on any of my works, mister painting perfect." I walked to the back of the room and carefully put my canvas on one of the empty easels.

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm a genius," Minjae called smugly after me.

"Shut up," I answered as I went out of the room to Eunchae.

Minjae had been extra mean these days. Not to me, specifically. He's been openly expressing himself whenever he's annoyed and that caused almost everyone to be uncomfortable around him. Also, I don't know what he threatened Ms. Wang with but he's been getting away from being punished for not attending every single homeroom. I couldn't understand why he doesn't want to attend in the first place. There's just something off about him. I mean, he's already weird since the first time I met him, but he's been different.

Before Eunchae and I walk away from the classroom to the cafeteria, we heard Seungmin yelled, "You better be sane when you come back here, Bang Yeona!"

Eunchae and I both sighed. He always does that. He makes it sound as if Eunchae is a bad influence. "Will he ever let it go?" She said.

"He just misses you," I said, convincing myself that's true for one second.

She stifled a laugh. "Please. There's no way he'd forgive me."

Seungmin had been saying a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense. He doesn't have enough reason to be mad at Eunchae, except for taking Huijun's side that day. To be honest, I think he's just finding reasons to keep angry.

One Day || MCNDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora