꧂ Chapter 25

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Yeona's POV

Things felt different right after that day. It's been a few days and what happened at the festival still hasn't come to my knowledge. Seongjun kept avoiding the topic and he also refuses to meet up with me, always saying he has many things to do. I believe him but if you really want to talk to someone you'll always find a way, right?

Eunchae's avoiding me. Well, I had been avoiding her previously but this time, I'm sure it became the other way around. I texted her twice but she didn't reply. I don't have the guts to do more than that in case she's angry at me, which I'm pretty sure she is. The reason I still have no idea about even though I have a few things in mind, but I don't want to just jump into conclusions and spill everything myself. Though maybe that's what I should've been doing ever since I met Huijun.

At least I still have Seungmin who had been eating lunch with me inside my own classroom. We don't bother going to the cafeteria anymore since none of our friends will be there. The thing I'm glad about is that Seungmin didn't ask anything about what is happening even though there's obviously something wrong. He just remained to be himself and that's what I needed the most right now. Familiarity.

But there were a couple of days when he had brought Minjae to lunch with him to my dismay, and to the delight of most of the girls in my class. I've noticed he's been spending more time with him than with Huijun. Then again, most of our free time don't match with theirs.

Ever since then, my classmates started talking to me about why I only have guy friends. That was an excuse. I know they just wanted to know more about these particular guy friends. But they kept me distracted so I entertained all their questions and even hang out with them outside school once. I never went to a second one because they were all just asking for Minjae's number which I gave with no hesitation. The next day Minjae dragged me behind the school building and flared up about all the text messages he'd been receiving all night. That's when things really went terrible between us.

"If I did the same thing to you and gave your number to every guy I know and they text and call you until dawn, wouldn't you feel the same way?" He'd said angrily, pinning me to a wall.

I was intimidated but I had managed to stifle a laugh, ignoring how close his body was to me. "Like that would ever happen."

"I said if." His expression didn't change but he lowered his voice in almost a whisper. "No one in their right mind will try to hit on you anyway. You only look nice but everyone can see how shattered you are on the inside."

He had stepped away from me and he glared for a few moments before going away. My body had relaxed as soon as he was out of sight but my brain kept thinking about what he'd said for days after that.

How can anyone tell that I'm shattered just by looking at me? And how does he always manage to say things to me that hit a spot? I already have so much in my mind and I didn't need Song Minjae to add to that. We aren't exactly friends yet but we became friendly because of Seungmin. Now, it's obviously back to square one and this time, I'll make sure to keep away from him.

But that's not what Seungmin had in mind. He kept arranging time for us to meet so that Minjae could apologize. He hasn't yet and it's not as if I'm gonna accept his insincere apology any time soon. We just try to tolerate each other whenever Seungmin is around but we haven't said a word to one another since.


On the last day of math class before the finals, I tried to be attentive to the pointers the teacher is telling us. I haven't been thinking much about note guy anymore and I haven't looked under the desk in a long time. But knowing that this is the last day I will be in this room during class made me wanna check for the last time.

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