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"Jack, I'm telling you, she is sleeping since 9 pm. It's been twelve hours"

"So, let her sleep. Dude she is fine.", he says annoyed.

"And when she wakes up at 11 am, she will be still tired and get back to bad", I add

"Dude just try to be her. She has a baby inside her, she is overflowing with hormones, she has Sam and that little bear you got her to look after, and she has to listen to your whining ass all day. She is a winner. She was right about one more dog. You can even have staff for that, but they follow her where she goes. You are one that would lose your shit if you had someone 24/7 following you around, let alone three things following you around", he points at the floor, near our bed and there laid all three of them.

"I still think you should give her something to wake up, like some energetic pills?", I say while looking at her sleeping. I brought him to our room, he needs to see her. I mean, she sleeps all day, and she is always tired.

"Irvin, are you crazy? NO! she is pregnant and I'm not that kind of doctor, I'm a surgeon not a gynaecologist, ok?"

"I don't care. Fix her"

"Not how it works", he says and maybe our little argument by the door woke her up, because I see her body moving. She sits, stretch her back and put her hair back. Fucking adorable.

"Jack, I'm tired and he is right, I barely leave the bed, let alone the room", so she heard it all. "It is not that I sleep all day like he said", she says with not very friendly face looking at me. "I just lay down and don't feel the need, the urge, to do anything else. And don't blame them", she points to Max, Dust and Boss. "and Sam goes to school, now that the holydays are over, and when she comes back she does her homework and then stays with her dog, that by the way she hasn't chosen a name yet, which is weird right...", she trails off. That is another thing. She has been really distracted.

"Be right back, Harp", I say and pull Jack out of the room. She nods and lays back down. "See, even she said it. And did you see? She trails off the conversation, like if her attention is off. She mixes words and she doesn't remember things that I just told her. Don't tell me she has Alzheimer"

"No, she just has a lack of attention.", he laughs but since she had the heart attack, I can't expect less from her, who knows. It is like we see people in their twenties having heart attacks, what if she had some memory loss problem. "She has Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or what we call ADHD, she is normal. That means she is coming back to normal."

"Normal? Normal?!"

"Yes, normal", he laughs. "Before she paid too much attention in you, in what you were doing because she was...afraid. She knew that to not get punished she had to be alert and to be alert her attention, her brain had to be always working. Now she knows it is ok, we believe, right?", he asks me, talking about the day I mistakenly choke her. I nod. "good."

"See you didn't need to be a gynaecologist"

"This was all about psychology not medicine", he says annoyed.

"Why are you so grumpy?", I ask him.

"it is just...nothing.". he begins but doesn't feel like talking. But after a few minutes of quietness he says: "I have been with this girl and she got pregnant and she is insisting it is mine is mine, I just don't know what to do"

"Did you brought the crib?", I repeat what he said when Harp was sick

"Shut up. I don't do family; I don't do relationship", we both sucked at these two topics.

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