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"Please tell me you got her a present?", I ask Irvin, pleading in my head to him say 'yes'.

"Yeah, but it is not down there, it is upstairs", he says. He better has something for her, or I will have to hear everything all over again.

"I got something for you. I hope you like it.... I really do hope that" , this present isn't like others that we can trade or send back to the store.

"You didn't have to, but I'm sure I'll love it.". He says and continue: "And, I just got to know that some people are coming for Christmas, such as my mother, that invited Peter, Jack, Zach and my sister", and here goes my plan of giving him his present tonight.

"Wait, sister?", I asked him.
"Yeah, I don't talk to her. She makes no difference in my life. She and my grandfather, which is dead"

"WOAH, he was alive, wasn't he? Like not long ago?"
"Yes, but I didn't feel the need to tell you. He wasn't that close to me. And my sister, she is around you age, she is... 23, annoying creature" wait, she was annoying due to her age? Am I annoying?
"It is Christmas, don't get any family fight in here, please? And when they get here?"
"Well, Jack lives here, so soon. Zach too, with his wife and the kid", he says and rolls his eyes, an annoyed sigh. "Mom arrives for lunch with my sister"
"You don't like kids?"
"It is not that. It is just .... they don't stop, they talk too much, run around and put their hands on everything and here, there are a lot of white things here and .... I don't even want to see the end of it"
"Yeah...", and here goes my present. No. I don't care. He will see the present and then we talk. "Come, have breakfast"
"Harp, it is almost lunch and they are almost here"
"Just come, I made your favourite"
"Then why aren't you in the bed?", he pulls me to him, with a very boyish look.
"Irvin, just sit here, and I'll go get it", he sat still and nodded. Oh my god, it is now or never. I look at him and I see he by the table, with his back facing me. "Hey, I hope like it", he straight himself up. I put the covered tray in front of him. He takes the silver top and put it to the side.

"You want me to eat a box?", he said confused.
"Open it", I say. I sit on the arm of his chair and wait for the reveal.
"What is this?", he took a little blue shoe made of wool, a baby bodysuit and a transparent pacifier. "are you pregnant?", he said not believing his own words.
"Yes", I said it low. "Did you like it?", I was afraid of his answer. He just told me kids mess things around, and yet I am here, giving him one. "Merry Christmas?"

"Merry Christmas. I love the present", when I heard that I felt like a hundred pounds were taken from my back. He pulls me down from the chairs arm and hug me. "Why are you crying?"

"Because you just said a lot of negative things about children and I panicked and now it is like a elephant got off my back", he kisses me.
"I love it.", we just stay there. "Wait, how far are you?"

"About four months", I smile.
"So, it is a boy?"
"Yeah! I thought the colour was kind of suspicious, no?"

"Yes, of course", he said, still a little out of himself. "Wait, you are not...round?", I laugh by his choice of word.
"When Sam went to see that doctor, I stayed a few minutes inside and told her the situation. She confirmed the pregnancy and the baby's health. It is developing normally, and I did gain some weight. And I do have a belly." I put my shirt up and the bottom of my belly is round, small, but round. "See, I do have one. I didn't show it to you but here he is"
"I didn't know I was pregnant, and when she confirmed that I was, I panicked because we drank in my birthday, but she told me he is fine"

"It was in your birthday?", he asks, and it makes me a while to understand.
"Nope, a week before my birthday.... He is due to April, someone in the family that doesn't have the birthday in the end of the year."

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