Always believe

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It was the day of the funerals, everyone was here, except Jessie. Im not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed she couldn't come, I needed her. But I understood, it wasn't her fault she had school to go to.

After the ceremony we all went to grandma and grandpa house. I looked for my mom everywhere, but couldn't find her.

"Hey, Julie have you seen my mom ?" I asked.

"No, but Tobin is in the kitchen may be she's with her." She replied as I went to meet Tobin.

"Tob" I said and she turned around.

"Yeah Kiddo ?"

"Where's mom ?"

"She's with her dad and sisters outside." she said pointing me to the window where we could see all of them sat together.

"Oh.. I'll wait for her here then."

"You can join them you know."

"No, I don't want to interrupted their family time, I think they need this moment together."

"Ok...I love you kiddo you know that ?" She said and it surprised me. Tobin isn't the type of person to make declaration like that, but I guess the circumstance of the situation made her more emotional.

"I love you too, even though I'm not kid anymore !" I said.

"You'll always be one for me." She said kissing my forehead.

A few minutes later, mom had finish her conversation. She made her way in and smiled at me.

"Hey sweetie, do you need anything ?"

"No, just an hug." I said and she wrapped her arms around me. "And to make sure you're alright ?"

"Yes, don't worry about me. I'm fine."

I looked her in the eyes, to make sure she was telling the truth.

"Madi, I'm fine. I swear. I know that..I was a bit off lately but, I'm feeling better now. " I mumbled a quick « ok » and embraced her.

Couple days later

The US Roster for the World Cup had just come out. All my girls where in it, even Kristie who recovered quickly from her injury.
Now, I was waiting. Waiting for the French roster to come out as well, hoping to be a part of it...

3 Days later

I had just gotten home from training, when I got a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello ?" I said.

"Allô, Madison Press ?"

"Yes ? I mean.. oui ?" It's been a long time since I had a conversation in French.

"C'est Corinne Diacre, la sélectionneuse de l'équipe de France féminine." (It's Corinne Diacre, the French team coach.) As she said that I started to loose my shits. I've been waiting for this call for so long !
"Moi et mon équipe t'observons depuis un bout de temps. Et nous aimerions te compter parmi les joueuses qui participeront à la coupe du monde cet été." (Me and my team have been watching you for a while. And we would like to count you among the players who will participate in the World Cup this summer.)

"Vraiment ?!" (Really ?!)

"Oui vraiment ! Tu es une excellente joueuse, et je pense que tu vas apporter beaucoup à l'équipe durant cette compétition." (Yes really ! You're a great player, and I think you're going to bring a lot to the team during this competition. )

"Wow, je ne sais pas quoi dire. Merci de me faire confiance !" (Wow, I dunno what to say. Thank you for trusting me !)

After ending up the call, I started jumping up and down and shouting all over my apartment.
I can't believe it ! I've finally been call up !
I slowly recovered from my emotions and called Mom and Tobs to tell them the good news. Then, I wrote a message on the US Team WhatsApp and try to call Jessie but she didn't answer.
It bothered me but she probably was occupied, she'll call back later.

I was watching the final episode of stranger things when Jessie FaceTimed me.

"Hi." I said still annoyed that it took her that long to call back.

"Hi Supergirl. I'm sorry I couldn't call you sooner, I had some family issues to deal with."

"Nothing wrong I hope ?"

"No, nothing you need to worry about. So... did you have something to say to me ?"

As she said that a big smile appeared on my face.

"What ? Why are you smiling like an idiot ?"

"I've been call up !"

"No way ?! Madi that's great."

"I know right !"

"I'm so happy for you ! I wish I was with you right now..."

"I know, me too... the next time will see each other, it'll be in France."

"It's to far away !"

"It's just in a couple weeks Jess." I chuckled.

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