Happy New Year

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"Do you have everything?" Christen asked, her eyes scanning my carry-on bag for the umpteenth time.

I suppressed a chuckle, the familiar pre-trip anxiety washing over her. "For the tenth time, yes!" I reassured her.

"Okay, okay, so this is it," she said, her voice softening. "That's your flight."

"Chris, come on, nothing's going to happen to me," I said, trying to ease her worries. "I'm getting on a plane, and when I get off, Rose and Mal will be there."

"I know, I know," she sighed, a hint of worry still lingering in her eyes. "I'm just... worried. Anyway, be careful over there,don't drink too much—"

"Don't drink at all," Tobin interjected, her tone firm.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Okay, I promise! Now I've got to go, or I'll end up missing my flight."

I embraced Chris's parents, thanking them for their warm hospitality and the wonderful Christmas we had shared. Then, I turned to Chris and Tobin, my heart swelling with affection for them.

"I'll be fine," I reassured them, giving them each a tight hug. "I'll call you when I land, okay?"

They nodded, their eyes filled with a mixture of love and concern. With a final wave, I turned and walked towards the gate, the excitement of the upcoming New Year's Eve celebration bubbling within me.


"Madi! Madi!" Mal's excited voice pierced through the airport bustle as I stepped off the plane. Before I could even respond, she enveloped me in a giant bear hug, her warmth and enthusiasm immediately chasing away any lingering travel fatigue.

"Wow, I missed you too, Mal," I chuckled, returning her embrace.

"Hi Madi, welcome to Washington!" Rose greeted me with a friendly smile and a hug of her own.

The three of us piled into Mal's car, and soon we were pulling up to a spacious apartment building.

"So this is where the party's going to be?" I asked, taking in the modern architecture and expansive windows. "It's huge!"

"We know!" Mal and Rose said in unison, their voices filled with pride.

"Come on, let's get ready!" Mal urged, ushering me towards her room. "The guests will be here soon."

We tried on various outfits, laughing and chatting as we went. As I slipped into a shimmering dress, a thought suddenly struck me.

"Mal," I began, a nervous tremor in my voice.

"Yes?" she replied, poking her head out of the bathroom.

"I like Kristie," I blurted out, the words tumbling out before I could overthink them.

A moment of silence hung in the air. "What?" Mal finally asked, her voice laced with surprise.

"I like Kristie," I repeated, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I think I really like her."

"Are you sure?" Mal asked, her eyes narrowing slightly. "It just... it took her a while to get over you, and now that she has, you suddenly like her?"

"I know," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "But I think I've always liked her. The first time I saw her, there was something... a connection. I was just too wrapped up in Becca to see it."

I looked up at Mal, my eyes pleading for understanding. "Now that I think back to all the late-night talks we had, all the times she stayed late to help me train... it all makes sense. And I was so blind. Even Becca and Tobin saw it. Do you think... do you think there's a chance she might still like me?"

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