First US Camp

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2 weeks later.

I was packing my things for US camp when my phone started ringing, it was Becca... She has tried to reach me since the day I kissed her, but I never picked up. I don't know what to say to her and I'm, I don't know...maybe... "scared"...about what she has to say. Anyway I took my bag and went to the cars.

Once in the car I received a text from Becca.

I really don't know why I keep trying to reach you, it's clear you don't give a fuck about me anyway.. can't blame you no one does.. but idk I thought you were different...

She thinks that I don't care about her but it's not true. Why does she have to make a conclusion like that.. I mean.. fuck whatever. I am different I'm just lost right now and I.. feel bad for ghosting her..

I'm sorry if I made you feel like I don't care..
I do care , I just really don't know what to say to you, I'm « lost »..And scared but I know that I like you

Wow !

What ?

Just shocked that you replied.. and ok.

Ok ? Seriously ? I just told her I liked her and all she said is ok ?

Ok ?

Yes. What do you want me to tell you ?


great then

I let my phone fall on my lap out of frustration.

"Wow what happened to you ?"Christen said.

"Nothing." I said rudely and looking out of the car window.


After a car ride and a flight we finally arrived in Seattle. We took an Uber and went to the hotel where the national team was staying for they first game against Australia. After that we have to fly to California for them to play the next 2 games of the ToN (Tournament of Nations).

"Is everyone here ?" I asked Christen.

"I don't now, maybe. Why ?" She said walking towards the hotel reception. It was a luxurious hotel and It was really impressive, I was not at all accustomed to so much luxury.

"Uhh Sorry but what I'm gonna live is kind of huge for a young girl like me Christen ! I'm going to meet some of the best players in the world! " I said looking around to see if I'll recognize anyone. She looked back at me shaking her head with disbelief and laughed.

"Ok, come on Mads." She took me by the shoulders and guided me towards our room. Once arrived, I noticed that there was already a suitcase in our room.

"Are we sharing our room with someone else ?" I asked Chris.

"Yes, Alex. She wanted to be with you as much as she could." Chris said smirking. As soon as she said that the door opened wide.

"Kelley slow down !" We heard yelled.

"There she is ! The little girl I heard so much about ! How did they call you again ... Magic Mads." Kelley said. Behind her there was an exasperated Alex.

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