First time

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I was at Chris's House preparing myself for tonight. Becca invited me to diner and even though we spent the entire month calling each other while I was at camp, I was stressed out about seeing her again. I haven't seen her since our kiss at the parc.
Plus, she wouldn't tell me where we were going, it stressed me out even more ! I hate surprises !

I decided to wear a black dress and my black converse. Then, I went down and asked Chris and Tobin if I looked good. "How do I look ?". They looked away from the TV and looked at me.

"ès belle !" (You are really pretty.) Tobin said with an approximate french accent.

"Merci !" I said smiling.

"Don't you want to put on heels ?"

I looked at her in disgust " Chris really ? Heels ?"

"What ?" She said.

"Clearly you don't know how much time it takes me to wear a dress, so heels probably never... Anyway I'm fine like this !" I said, she rolled her eyes and kissed me on the head.

"Yes you are. Is Rebecca coming to pick you up ?" Chris said.

"Yes she should arrive in any minute now." As I said that I received a text from Becca who told me she was here. I took my jacket and went towards the doors.

"Won't your soon to be girlfriend come to say hello ?" Christen said.

"Chris come on."I said.

"What ? I just want to see her." Chris said.

"Stop being like that. " I said annoyingly.

"Like what ? Madi I would like to know who you are going out with, especially if the girl is not verry frequentable !" Chris said and I sighed in disbelief.

"Oh so that's what it is about ! So you don't like the fact that I'm seing her because I told you she smokes weed and acts like a bitch sometimes ? Oh and also because I already sneaked out to see her ? Am I right ?" I sucked up my lower lips to avoid saying bad things. "People can change Christen. Don't you still not trust me ?" I groaned.

"Ok girls cal-" Tobin tried to say but was cut off by Chris.

"You are being dramatic over nothing ! I just want to say hello to her, have the chance to know her a little before you go out with her. I still have the rights to do that, it has nothing to do with trust."

"Are you sure ? Plus, the only person who legally has rights over me is Alex. And if I'm not wrong I don't see her anywhere." I felt the anger get the best of me. " So you have no rights over me and-"

"Ok enough you two !" Tobin shouted "Madi shut up before you say something you will regret and Chris let the girl live a little." As she said that Christen was about to say something back but instead she walked away.

"Why doesn't she trust me ?" I asked Tobin.

"She does. I..I just think she is scared but anyway don't worry I will talk to her. Now go, Becca is waiting for you. Have fun !" Tobs said.

"Yeah thanks.."


Madi left, she seemed angry or sad, I don't really know Chris is better than me to guess what she feels.
I made my way back to the living room but Christen wasn't here so I decided to look on the terrasse. She usually goes there when she's not feeling well.
She was on one of those wooden chairs, she seemed pensive. I gently approached her and sat on the floor in front of her. I said nothing waiting for her to talk when she was ready.

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