Oh titan

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Lilith stopped outside the gate, as Amity got off the staff. "I know it doesn't mean much from me, but, good luck." Lilith said, as Amity just sighed. "Thanks, but you're right." She looked at Lilith, "it doesn't mean much at all."

She pushed open the gate and walked inside, walking up to the door. She stopped and looked over the house, before taking in a deep breath, and heading in.

"We understand that you like the human, yes she is very nice but-" "there's not 'but's about this, she is a human who can do magic. Never mind the fact that she has good manners, and is respectful, wouldn't you agree, Amity?"

The twins looked behind them and saw their little sister, "Would I agree?" She asked, "yes, wouldn't you agree that the human is respectful?" Amity nodded.

"See, she would be a wonderful part of the family-".       "No!"  Amity yelled, glaring at her mother, "we aren't doing that to Luz!" She finished, glaring at her mother. "Amity, darling, you don't know what you're talking about!" Her mother said, walking over to her.

"No, mom, I do, she doesn't need anymore stress, she doesn't need anymore crazy, she doesn't need this family, she already has one!" Amity protested, her siblings looking at her confused.

"I don't think, you get to choose for her, now do you Amity, and we'll just be her 2nd family-" "You don't get to choose for her either, she is her own person!" Her mom was taken aback by this, Amity was usually the more docile one.

"You don't get to choose what's best for her, and you don't get to choose what she does, you don't get to choose her family." Amity finished, walking past to her room, closing the door behind her.

She sat on her bed, putting her head in her hands, sighing out of frustration. "Why is she like this?!" She thought,  hearing a light knock on her door.

"Come in!" The door opened, revealing her father. "Oh, dad! What do you need?" She asked, standing up quickly.

He walked in, closing the door behind him, "hello, Amity." He said, looking around, before sitting on the bed next to Amity, motioning her to sit at her desk.

"I want to talk to you about...the human." He said, Amity holding her breath. "You two seem...close." Amity released her breath, slightly panicked. "I guess you could say that." "Does she treat you well?"

Amity nodded, her dad looking around, trying to figure out what to say. "She seems nice, you're mother seems to have taken a great liking to her." He commented, Amity nodding.

"Mom, wants to dye her hair green." Her dad nodding, irritated, "I'm well aware, her way of making part of the family." He sighed, looking at Amity's hair, "her way of, organization." He murmured, amity messing with her her hair now.

"How about we focus on getting through dinner, and introducing me to your girlfriend?" Amity blushed, and looked down, "she's not my girlfriend, dad."

His eyes widened a little, "oh, I apologize, just from the picture the twins had, you two looked close." "We...are, we are, but we're not dating, she just got stuck and well, we read a bit together and fell asleep is all." Amity explain, with a small laugh.

"Well, I can't wait to meet her, and hopefully your mother won't go overboard." "You're not...mad about her being a human?" "Amity, I may not like humans, but if this girl makes you happy...then I can accept you being around her." He said standing up.

"I suppose that's all for now, goodnight Amity." He said walking out, leaving Amity with her thoughts and feelings, hearing the door close. Before going over to her bed, and collapsing on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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