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Amityk looked through the text book, seeing the small drawings fill the pages, helping point out small parts that where highlighted.

The shop was empty, no customers, Willow and Gus had to go get some ingredients for the baked good and the coffee, leaving Amity to run the store.

She heard the bell above the door ring, so she put the text book down and looked to see who it was. "Hello welcome to Hexside- oh, hey Luz, the usual?" She nodded, holding something.

Amity made her drink and set it down sliding it to Luz. "What's the gift for, is it someone's birthday?" Luz shook her head, setting it on the counter, "it's actually for you." She took her drink and pushed it to amity, picking it up.

"It's heavy." Luz just nodded waiting for her to open it. Amity looked at it suspiciously, slowly ripping the wrapping away, revealing a text book. Amity looked up confused, "did you buy me a new one?" Luz shook her head.

"No, I know you wouldn't accept it if I bought it, sooooo, I asked Eda when she was going to return it and she said never, and let me keep it. I thought that it would be a nice gift for you since you needed a new one, and are probably getting tired of all the stuff I drew."

Amity laughed, "thank you, I don't know how to repay you." "Don't worry about it, take it as a gift for going to the fair with me, I had a lot of fun. It's also stolen so it didn't cost a thing" Amity nodded, handing Luz her text book, "the fair was fun, I'm glad I chose to go with you." Luz put the text book in her bag and went to go sit down.

"Oh, and Luz." Luz turned to look at Amity, confused, "I think the drawings where cute." She winked , seeing Luz blush a bit. Amity took the note book opening it to see an incomplete drawing of Azura.

Amity slipped back to the page she was on, seeing the highlighted parts again, no pictures or drawings this time. She found it oddly sad, it was so empty to her.

She heard the bell ring again, and set the text book down, "welcome to Hexside brews how can I- YOU TWO!" Amity looked at the people who had just come in, Luz looking over to see who it was.

There was a boy and a girl, both with dark green hair, the girl having her's in a long braid, and the boy having it much shorter, going to the side more.

"Hey Mittens!" The boy said, as they approached the counter. "Em, Ed, what do you want?" Amity asked, her tone was rude and annoyed, as Luz got up to try to call her.

"What? We can't see our baby sister?" Emira asked, resting her elbow on the counter. Amity crosses her arms, laughing her weight from one leg to the other, rolling her eyes.

Luz forgot about her drink and text book all together, listening to the conversation, "you never come to visit, you never text or call me, the only reason you'd come is to-wait, what does mom want this time?!"

Amity uncrossed her arms, throwing her fists to her sides angrily, her face getting red. "Calm down mittens, she just wants to let you know the offer still stands, she knows your dealing with some money troubles right now." Edric said, his face softened.

"I'm not joining their business! I'm going to be a damn good surgeon and they can't stop me!" Amity crosses her arms again, turning away from the two. "We know mittens." Emira said, with a slight chuckle.

Edric looked up at the menu, thinking of what to get, Emira doing the same, "can I get hot chocolate?!" Edric asked, turning to Emira, who just nodded, "2 hot chocolates." Amity rolled her eyes as she started to make their drinks.

"Hey mittens-" "don't call me that" "what happened to soccer?" Edric asked, resting his weight on his hand on the counter. Amity froze, before continuing to make their drinks, "I had to quit, I needed a job so Bosha took my place as captain."

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