A duel?!

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"So, you can't handle the rumors so you spread some about me? That's pretty low for you blight." Bosha spat at Amity, who was confuse. "I never said anything about you, why would I stoop to your level?" Amity said, quickly scanning the girl.

Bosha was taken back by the comment, as she got more and more angry. "My level? MY LEVEL?!" She asked, circling Amity. Amity was already used to this, she did it as a way to seem scarier, and used it as a form of asserting her dominance.

"Yes, YOUR level, I already said this. I don't know what rumors your talking about, but talk to Ed and Em about it, this is what they do." She answered, rolling her eyes and placing a hand on her hip, about to walk off.

"You can't blame your siblings for everything Amity, take some responsibility!" "I take responsibility for what I do, not for others, you of all people should know this." Amity said, now crossing her arms, looking dead at Bosha.

Bosha started to grit her teeth, getting angry that she couldn't get under amity's skin, it annoyed her, how was she never able to and yet amity knew exactly how to get under hers.

"You started these rumors! Admit it! You got mad and did it!" "Sorry but no, you got the wrong blight." Amity said as she walked off, leaving Bosha to boil in anger. "Two can play at that game." She mumbled before going to class.

Amity sat in class, as the teacher started to explain proper technique on how to summon abominations without having to make them in a pot. Amity wasn't exactly paying attention as she already knew how to do this, instead she was looking at her notes.

"Can you answer the question Ms.Blight?" Amity looked up to see her teacher smiling at her. She simply raised her hand and drew a small circle, as a tiny abomination formed on her desk.

"Wonderful, as expected from my top student!" The teacher said going back to his lesson. Amity may not have physically skipped, but she definitely skipped mentally when she felt she didn't need to be there, so she opted to study her notes.

She glanced at her abomination, and sent them away, and decided to try to change the appearance. She started small, a ball, then a square, then a blob, a rectangle, something semi witch shaped, her sister, her brother, then finally Luz.

By the time she did this the bell rang as she packed everything. She stepped out into the hall, only to be met by a human quickly hiding behind her.

"L-Luz!" "Sorry Amity! Bosha got really mad and now she's going to kill me all the way dead!" Amity sighed and looked forward seeing Bosha running their way. "Hiding your girlfriend, how sweet." Amity blushed slightly but quickly pressed it down. "She's not my girlfriend, but yes, not that I have to protect her from you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Amity rolled her eyes, and used her body to block Luz a bit more as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "I mean, you. are not. a threat. I thought I made that much clear."

"Amity, don't make her mad!" Luz warned grabbing the back of her uniform, making Amity laugh. "What, she's not dangerous, she just tries to look it." Amity said, looking Bosh in the eyes.

"Oh really, why don't we have a witches duel then, see who's better?" "You lost every-time, but sure, let's make it interesting this time." Amity said drawing an everlasting oath. "If I win, you have to tell the school that Luz and I aren't dating. And you have to apologize to Willow for everything you've done to her" Amity put her hand through the magic circle and so did Bosha, "and when I win, you have to tell the school you are dating, and you have to stop being friends with Willow and the short one. Also, The human will have to sit with us from now on" "Deal!"

The oath disappeared, as the two glared at each other. "Wait, that's not fair to Amity!" Luz said, standing between the two, getting confused looks from both witches.

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