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I hum in approval of the delicious aroma of my hot mocha coffee. The warm feel of the handle soothes my fingers, making me feel just like at home. And it is, the warm, cozy feeling of the café, its verdant and welcoming theme is enough to remedy my homesickness.

The days I love are when I'm relaxing and drinking coffee. Nothing can be better than this. The sounds of the café were melodies to me; the soft chattering of the surrounding people, the bell that rings every time a person comes in, it's magnifique (magnificent). Even with this light feeling of missing my home; I feel as if I am home.

The owner was nice enough to give me a seat near the corner beside a towering glass window. I have a full view of the delicate flowers outside the shop and the lively people, cars passing my sight.

I'm far from home, very far, and this is my first time. My first time away in a new place and not once did I ever regret coming here. I am happy and content. Mostly because I am here to pursue my schooling with my Grandmama. I am very close to her and knowing she's not as strong as she was before motivated me, even more, to come here.

Taking a sip of my coffee, I let myself relax before a busy semester arrives. Not to mention, with a coffee and with a book, I experience the wonderful meaning of life. I was too focused on my book that whilst I was reading; I didn't notice that someone had sat down on the seat across from mine.

I didn't wish to indulge and ruin my mood. I continue to read my book and ignore the stranger across from me. It's very impolite and arrogant of me, but I'm not the type of person to randomly start conversations with a stranger. Unless when I'm truly interested, although I get a little out of control when I am. I'm very awkward sometimes too. But for a fact, though, I want the stranger to start the conversation first.

Then I realized it was a man, I didn't glance at him fully. I got a glimpse at his soft, veiny hands. Smooth and rough, it looks. His strong black coffee that I smell is enough to tempt me to try it, but I am never a fan of black coffee. Although, I do consult myself sometimes that I shall try it once. But I will still ignore him.

Maybe he's waiting for me to make the first conversation? The first move? Which he'll suffer waiting because I have no plan to. Until he started to drum his fingers on the table in a light beat as if he was trying to get my attention. Still ignoring and focusing on my book, he started to shift now and then on his seat, which is irritating me a lot.

He eventually gave up. His deep velvety voice was enough to make me wonder what he looks like and what is his motive.

"Hey," he speaks softly. His voice calming my irritated nerves. At least he's making up for it.

I put my book down and look at him, a small smile on my face. Never forget to smile if you wish to make friends. My eyes saw a gorgeous male in front of me. I'm exaggerating. But he is handsome if I have the sense of beauty, which they say is common for French people.

The person in front of me has very distinct features from everyone else around here. He is out of this world beautiful but it still doesn't change a fact that he's a stranger; looks shouldn't be your sign of trust.

It took me a while to respond to his 'Hey'.

His deep blue eyes were beautiful, and they interlocked with mine. Making eye contact with him is like staring at the ocean. He's looking into my eyes like he was trying to find something; something he couldn't find in me.

"Bonjour (hello)." I smile genuinely. I mean, who wouldn't smile at this gorgeous beast?

His voice was muscular and soft simultaneously. His smile made my heart flutter knowing that I was pleasing him. He leans on his chair, sitting a lot straighter, and just eyeing me, making me feel conscious.

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