Bonus Meeting

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        After coming home from work, Luos greeted Lucy with open arms.

        "Welcome home, dear."

        "Phew, I'm back!" Lucy entered his warm embrace.

        "You're early today, want something to eat before dinner?" asked Luos attentively.

        "I'll wait for your dinner. Food tastes even better when I'm hungry." Lucy smiled.

        "Then I'll just prepare some light sweets as teatime," said Luos as he searched the fridge for ingredients.

        "Ah, we ran out of caramel sauce... I'll go out and buy some. I'll leave Ereal to you! He's in the game room." Luos left for the supermarket.

        "Ereal! How's your day today? Mommy's back from work! Miss me?" said Lucy as she hugged her one year-old baby.


        "Darling, did you forget something?" Lucy asked as she heard the door open.

        "... ¿sith s'erehW"

        Lucy immediately exited the room as she heard a foreign lady's voice. There, she was captivated by the sight of a beauty entering her house. Purple hair, purple eyes, pale skin... The lady was so beautiful that she looked surreal.

        "¿ouy teem ot eciN ¡yeH" The purple-haired lady spoke with her sweet voice.

        "Yes? Who are you?" Lucy asked as her hostility towards the stranger faded away.

        A bright light shone. Lucy winced.

        "Ah, sorry! I forgot to renew my translation spell." The mysterious girl continued, "Hi, I'm Amethyst, nice to meet you."

        Amethyst smiled and continued, "Is this your living space?"

        Lucy was stunned. She gazed into Amethyst's eyes and was surprised at the sight she witnessed --- glimmering blue sky and vast green land.

        "Wow, I've never seen a scenery this mesmerizing before!" praised Lucy.

        "What did you see?" asked Amethyst curiously. 

        "Oh, nothing..." Lucy was embarrassed.

        "You're... a cupid, a matchmaker, right?"

        "How did you-"

        "So what did you see?" Amethyst asked excitedly as she grabbed Lucy's hands.

        Dragged into Amethyst's pace, Lucy answered in a daze, "Blue sky and vast green land."

        "What are you supposed to see?"

        "Meetings of soulmates."

        "Wow, so cool!" Amethyst admired her ability.

        "..." Lucy was confused and shocked by her sudden arrival and revelation.

        "Oh, sorry... I was so delighted to be able to interact with the habitants of this world that I forgot my manners. Is that yours?" Amethyst pointed at the baby.

        "Yeah, he's Ereal, my baby." Lucy bragged.

        "He's cute. Does every person in this world have abilities like you? I don't see anything like that in him."

        "Not that I know of..."

        "So you're the unique one... I guess nature makes exceptions too sometimes." Amethyst nodded and continued, "Excuse me for barging in so suddenly. Thank you for your hospitality, I better get going!" said Amethyst as she walked through the door.

        "Go? Where?" Lucy tried to stop Amethyst.

        "To explore this world! Good luck carrying out your role!" encouraged Amethyst as she left like a storm.

        Lucy was snapped back to reality.

        "Wait!" She ran out of her house, only to realize that Amethyst was gone with the wind.

        Was that... a dream? Lucy shrugged as she went back in.

        Awhile later, Luos came back. Lucy welcomed him.

        "Darling, you wouldn't believe what I saw..."

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