Chapter 45: Goodbye

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Gaara's POV

Tsunade and I tried to come up with some strategy to lure out some of the members of the Akatsuki, but we came up empty even with Temari and Shikamaru's help. 

"There has to be something we're missing." Shikamaru muttered. 

"We've looked at it through ever angle, we keep hitting dead ends" Temari argued. 

"Maybe..." I trailed off. They all looked at me. "Just hear me out. Using Naruto and I as bait." 

"Absolutely not!" They all yelled at the same time. 

"But we don't have any options. We know they're after the Tailed Beasts. We could use that to our advantage."

Don't you even think about it! I froze when I heard her voice in my mind. 


I don't have a lot of chakra, but don't worry about me. I'll find a way out of this mess. Don't I always? I frowned. 

Mia, please tell me where you are?

Even if I knew I could never allow you to sacrifice yourself for me... Her voice started to fade.


Just be patient. I'll see you again... And with that the connection cut. everyone looked at me surprised as fresh tears formed in my eyes.

"What is it?" Temari asked gently. 

"She's okay. I heard her voice. She doesn't know where she is." They all looked the hopeful. 

"But that means she's okay."

"For now..." 

Mia's POV

After several days of storing some reserves of chakra I was able to contact Gaara. He sounded exhausted, but it was enough to hear his voice. After the connection broke I watched as the door slammed open. 

"Who did you contact?" Itachi demanded. 

"I can't contact anyone. Chakra sealing and all." I mocked. 

"You can't lie." 

"My, my such an angry tone. That wasn't the same tone you were singing a few days ago." He took a step towards me.

"Enough Itachi. I will deal with her." I looked at the doorway to see Pain standing there. 

"You aren't going to do anything. Unless you want to lose the Osore." He never even flinched just simply slammed me against the wall with his strange power. I felt the pain in the back of my head, then the warm liquid dripping down it. 

"You are testing the limits of my patience. Who did you contact?"

"No one." That earned a sickening crack in my good arm. I didn't scream, just grunted in pain. I was released from his strange power, curling up on my side to protect my now broken arm. 

"Shei will heal your wounds with time." Was all that was said before the two of them left. 

You shouldn't be provoking them. Shei stated.

I know...

You aren't invincible.

I know! I snapped. He said nothing else just left me to silently cry. 


*two days later*

My head injury had healed but my arm was still broken. Pain strolled back in again. 

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