Chapter 52: Day Off

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I woke up in mine and Gaara's shared bed. It was dark outside. I looked over to see Gaara sound asleep. Okami was on the floor asleep at the foot of the bed. Seeing Gaara breathing and alive filled me with so much happiness, but I then remembered the darkness that had possessed my body when I thought he was dead.

Is that what the Osore did to the others?

I pushed myself up and out of bed. I walked to the window and leaned out to get some fresh air. I hadn't even heard Gaara get up until his arms were wrapped around my stomach, his head leaning against my back.

"Why are you up?"

"I'm monster..." I whispered.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did Naruto and the others tell you what happened after I thought you died?" He shook his head no. I turned in his arms and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "I lost control of myself. The Osore...the darkness that consumed the others. I could feel it." I hugged myself as a chill went down my spine.

"You aren't a monster, Mia. You were in pain. That doesn't mean you don't have control of the Osore and it doesn't mean you'll end up like the others." I wanted to take comfort in his words, but I still felt it. The darkness lingering.

"You don't understand, Gaara. I still feel it." He frowned. "Ever since you came back I've felt it. A swirling pit that threatens to pull me under. Im afraid of myself. Of what I'll do if someone can't stop me." He moved his hands from my waist to cup my face.

"You start to fear yourself then you really will lose control. You've lived with the Osore all your life. You've never had a problem until now and it wasn't necessarily a problem." I shook.

"Gaara..." he leaned down his lips pressing against mine warmly. We had kissed lightly before, but this kiss was different. It was more wanting, like he needed to show me that he was always going to be there for me. A soft moan escaped my lips as his hands traveled back down to my waist, pulling me closer.

Should I give you two some privacy? Okami sleepily asked. I pulled away, feeling my face flush.

"Okami, when did you wake up?"

When you two started trying to eat each other's faces. He walked out of the room without another word.

"When did he become a teenager?" I rolled my eyes. Gaara chuckled.

"C'mon." He pulled me back to bed. I laid down, snuggling closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Whatever happens well get through it together, like we always have." I smiled as I slowly drifted off to sleep again.

In the morning I woke up before Gaara, which was surprising. I sat up and went to take a shower.

"Where are you going?" He asked, grabbing my wrist before I got get out of bed.

"To take a shower."

"Come back to bed." He said sleepily.

"Gaara we have to get up. You have to go to your office."

"No I have today off."

"Kazekages get days off?" I questioned.

"Not normally, but with everything that just happened. Everyone figured it would be good for both of us for us to have a day together."

"And who all is everyone?"

"The elders and the other villagers."

"Great so now they're involved in our personal life" I sighed.

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