Chapter 14: Hosaka Legacy

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When we got back to the house, it was silent, it was peaceful to not have to face Kankuro after what happened earlier. Temari showed me to a guest room and left me alone. I appreciated the alone time. I sat down on the bed with Okami, he had stopped shivering and was now sleeping peacefully in my lap. I looked out at the moon and puffed out a relieved sigh. It had been so long since I was able to just sit down and relax that it almost made me want to cry. 

"Okami, stay here. I'm going to sit outside for a little bit." I whispered to him, setting him down on the bed. He looked at me with a groggy stare, but put his head back down. I opened the window quietly and jumped out on to the rooftop. I wasn't the only one who had the same idea though. Gaara was sitting up there already staring out at the night sky. I took a step back to head back inside, but it was too late.

"You can join me if you'd like." He said without even looking at me. I took a deep breath and went to sit beside him. "Temari found you finally." I looked down at my hands. 

"I..." I trailed off and looked out at the expanse of sky. 

"You don't have to say anything, Kankuro and I were both being stupid. Temari told us what happened in the cemetery after you left. I...I didn't know that you felt that way." I sighed. 

"I didn't want you to think differently of me, if you knew I was the granddaughter of a Kazekage." I whispered. 

"I never would have. You're my friend, Mia. Nothing would change that. I mean my father was a Kazekage, did that make you think any differently of me?" I shook my head. "Exactly." 

"The legacy of my grandfather...being the strongest Kazekage, it's a little unbearable at times. Thinking I have to be this super strong person. I wonder if my mother felt that way too?" I looked up at the moon. 

"I'm sure she did, the pressure of being the child of a Kazekage can be overwhelming at times. Everyone expects you to do amazing things." 

"I guess we both aren't so different." I muttered and looked at him finally. His eyes stared directly at mine. He chuckled, it was the first time I heard him laugh in a long time. 

"I should apologize for what I said earlier. I shouldn't have been so...disrespectful." I chuckled myself. 

"You weren't wrong. I should apologize too, I didn't mean to get so upset. I just haven't been the same since Apollo and Artemis died...they were the only family I had left in the world and I felt as if I had failed them both somehow." 

"I'm sure they didn't think that. I'm sure they loved you with all their hearts and they wanted you to be safe." 

"Did Temari tell you about Okami?" I asked. 


"I guess not. Okami is a new friend. He's sleeping right now, but I'll introduce you to him in the morning. If you'd like?" 

"I'd love to meet him." I smiled. 

"Honestly, he's filled a hole in my heart that I never thought would be fixed." I whispered and looked at Gaara to see him have a mixture of sadness and jealousy in his eyes. "Are you jealous, Gaara?" I chuckled as he looked away, a slight redness coming into his cheeks. 

"Of course not." He rose. "I'm heading off to bed, you should get some rest too. You look exhausted." I rolled my eyes. 

"Yes, mom." We both laughed and I got up too. "Goodnight Gaara." I waved as I jumped down to where my window was. I shut it and went to my bed, ready for a goodnight's rest. Okami snuggled up against my chest as I laid down. 


The next morning I woke up to someone knocking at my door. I looked over at the clock and groaned it was only six. 

"What?!" I growled as Okami stretched beside me. 

"Mia, are you hungry?" I heard Gaara asked in a soft voice. He knew it was early and he knew I wasn't a morning person. I said nothing, just rolled back over to sleep longer. I heard the door open and then a small bark. 

"Wait, you must be Okami. Now I get it." Gaara muttered as I felt the weight shift on the bed. I looked over at them and saw Gaara letting Okami sniff his hand. 

"Its okay, Okami. He's a friend." I smiled as Okami looked at me for approval. Okami looked at Gaara once more and licked his hand. I giggled. "Good boy." Okami turned and jumped at me, attacking my face with kisses. 

"So are you hungry?" Gaara asked me once I was able to speak. 

"Yeah, I might as well since I'm awake now." I got up stretching, brushing my hair out and putting on my new outfit. Gaara had gone into the living room to wait for me. Okami and I walked out, Okami bouncing around. We walked out into the early morning streets, not many people around to take any notice of. Though they all seemed to notice Gaara and I together. 

"So how did you come across Okami?" He asked finally and I went into the detailed story from last night. "Hmm, strange that a sand wolf would find its way here, but I can see that it was meant to be. What with you having a good relationship with wolves in general." 

"You might be right, also could you help me give this little guy a bath today? Im sure he could use it." He nodded with a small smile. Okami looked between the two of us. He seemed happy to know both of us. 

"Miss Hosaka, good morning." The man from last night called out as he saw us coming down the road. I waved. 

"Good morning." Gaara was surprised to hear someone call out to me. I smiled at him. "What are you surprised?" I chuckled. 

"I guess I shouldn't be with you anymore." We both laughed and it seemed to surprised the people around us. I guess they weren't used to Gaara laughing either. 


After breakfast which, consisted of us talking about things from when we were kids, we went for a walk around the town that was now filling with more and more people. 

"So what does Kankuro think of me now?" I asked as we started heading back in the direction of the house. 

"I think after hearing Temari's story, he understands what he did wrong. He has always had a high respect for the Kazekages. I think it just surprised him to know that you were also related to one." Gaara explained. 

"I guess that makes sense." I looked towards the front door of the house to see Temari and Kankuro standing there looking worried. 

"Gaara, Mia there you are!" Temari rushed over. 

"Temari, what's the matter?" 

"Some of the scouts at the entrance to the village said they saw Itachi and his partner again." Kankuro grimly stated. I froze in my place as I thought about those two. 

"It makes sense, they didn't get me before. They won't stop until they have." I stated, my icy demeanor coming back. I instinctively went to look for Apollo and Artemis, knowing they were gone hurt worse. 

"They won't." Gaara stated, crossing his arms over his chest. His normal demeanor was back as well. 

"We'll see about that." I heard his voice before I saw him. 


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